Friday, February 3, 2012


THE HANDWRITING ON THE WALL: Lessons from Daniel chapter 5 not only for the future of America but also for all the churches who call Jesus as Lord and the coming war in the Middle East

Lessons from Daniel Chapter 5 on the future of America and the coming war in the Middle East

“Is America in a ‘Nebuchadnezzar moment’ (where we still have an opportunity to repent and be restored), or a ‘Belshazzar moment’ (where God removes His favor from us and turns out the lights)?”
by Joel C. Rosenberg, Jacksonville Pastors Conference, January 29, 2012

“The Pastor and the Future” — that’s what I’ve been asked to speak about tonight, and I cannot think of a more important subject to close this conference. You and I are living in one of the most dangerous moments in the history of the United States….in the history of Israel and the Middle East….in the history of the Church. Yet at this very moment when so many people are so anxious about the future, too many pastors are shying away from teaching Bible prophecy.
  • Some, because prophecy has been sensationalized in the past and they rightly resist such cheapening of God’s Holy Word.
  • Some, because they’ve never really carefully studied Bible prophecy and feel unprepared to teach it to their congregations.
  • Some, because they’ve lost sight of the power of prophecyprophecy is an intercept from the mind of the all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful God….prophecies are storm warnings from the future….not to frighten us but to motivate us – to get us ready for what is coming, and to help get others ready…..prophecy is given to encourage and exhort the Church to repentance….to holiness and purity….to prayer and fasting….to sharing the Gospel and making disciples….to pastor training and church planting….prophecy tells us we are going to be shaken….why?….to wake up the Church….to wake up the nations….to wake up Israel….because the Day of the Lord is coming, and surely it is near….and God love us and He wants us to be ready.
In Luke 12:54-56, Jesus rebuked His disciples for not understanding the Word of God and not analyzing the times in which they lived….which is why it is so important that we close this conference by considering “The Pastor and the Future.” So, turn with me, if you would, to Daniel chapter 5. [Read the entire chapter]

What do we see in Daniel chapter 5?
5:1-2 – A pagan nation at the height of its power, and corruption.
5:3-4 – A pagan government and high society drunk with power and consumed with seeking pleasure of all kinds….worshipping the gods of gold and silver and all things material….what do we see in the king’s court?
  • Sexual immorality.
  • Drunkness.
  • Greed and materialism.
  • Idolatry
  • Blasphemy.
  • No care or concern for their history of sin and God’s judgment.
  • No remembrance of God’s grace and mercy for those who repent.
King Belshazzar doesn’t seem to remember or care about the testimony of his forefather, Nebuchadnezzar. Once an evil and terrible king, one of the worst in the Bible, Nebuchadnezzar had then faced the judgment of God. He’d been driven out of the king’s palace, into the wilderness, driven mad and eating grass like a beast. Yet after a time, God relented. The Lord gave Nebuchadnezzar a second chance, and Nebuchadnezzar repented of his horrific sins and gave his life to the One True God. What’s more, Nebuchadnezzar praised the Lord before the entire nation ofBabylon.
Nebuchadnezzar testified before his people:
“At that time my reason returned to me. And my majesty and splendor were restored to me for the glory of my kingdom, and my counselors and my nobles began seeking me out; so I was reestablished in my sovereignty, and surpassing greatness was added to me. Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise, exalt and honor the King of heaven, for all His works are true and His ways just, and He is able to humble those who walk in pride.” (Daniel 4:36-37).

5:5-6 – So God begins to shake them.

5:7-9 – A mysterious hand appears out of nowhere in the king’s court….mysterious fingers begin supernaturally writing on the wall of the king’s palace….everyone in that room could see the handwriting on the wall….they could all see the hand of God at work… terrified them, but it certainly got their attention…..they knew it was important, but they had no idea what is said, or what it meant….so because they were pagans they turned to the so-called “wise men” of the age, but the wise men had no answers.
  • 5:7 – King Belshazzar has two reactions:
    • A physical reaction – he gets physically ill.
    • An emotion reaction – he becomes desperate….he suddenly becomes willing to give massive wealth and power to whoever can help him understand the handwriting on the wall.
5:10-12 – Frightened, desperate, and having run out of all other options, Belshazzar turns to a man with a reputation for being completely different than they….a man described as having an “extraordinary spirit”….a man described as having “knowledge and insight”…a man “in whom is a spirit of the holy gods”…..the man, of course, was Daniel….he hadn’t been invited to the party, mind you…he wasn’t part of their culture….he wasn’t part of their religion….he wasn’t a member of the “in crowd”….and that was the point….in their fear and trembling, they were looking for someone completely different….someone who had a completely different perspective and just might be able to help them.

5:13-16 – Enter Daniel….he is brought into the upper echelons of power and wealth and offered a great reward if he can solve the mystery.

5:17-28 – Daniel doesn’t ignore or resist the king’s request….he doesn’t claim separation of Church and State….he doesn’t self-righteously declare he won’t “dirty his hands” by speaking to government leaders….but Daniel makes clear that he’s not interested in money, power or prestige….he’s not trying to be in their club….he certainly doesn’t want to be part of their pagan culture or corruption….rather, he knows he holds citizenship in another kingdom, yet he also knows that he is God’s ambassador….so he agrees to explain the hand of God to the king and his court….giving all glory and honor to the Lord, Daniel fearlessly makes known the word of the Lord, even at great risk to his own life.
Many in ministry look at Daniel with admiration and want to be like him:
  • He’s handsome (Daniel 1:4)
  • Brilliant (Daniel 1:4)
  • Wise (Daniel 1:4)
  • Sterling reputation (Daniel chapters 1 through 5)
  • Invited into the highest courts of power (the entire book of Daniel)
  • Given great accolades, wealth and authority (Daniel 2:46-49 and 5:29)
Yet let’s be clear: Daniel didn’t seek any of these things….moreover, he knew he could take no credit for these things.
That said, let’s take another look….are you really willing to be a Daniel? Consider the high price of his service to the Lord:
  • He was taken captive from his homeland (Daniel chapter 1)
  • Forcibly given a new home, new name, new diet, new education, new job in a brutal pagan empire (Daniel chapter 1)
  • Arrested, convicted, imprisoned, sentenced to death (Daniel chapter 6)
  • Yet he never faltered….he never wavered….he clung to the Lord….he knew His God….he listened to His God….he was a man of prayer….he understand the Word….he studied God’s Word diligently and carefully (chapter 9 he’s studying Jeremiah!)…..and when God told him to speak, he spoke boldly and without reservation…..he didn’t pull any punches….he did so at great risk, but with great faith and courage.
  • In Matthew 24:15, Jesus calls Daniel “the prophet”….for that is what he was.
How about you?….are you clinging to Christ?….are you on you knees repeatedly throughout the day in prayer?….are you fasting?…..are you listening carefully to the voice of God?…..are you willing to teach God’s Word – all of it, including the prophecies of a future that is coming fast upon us?…..are you ready to stripped of all our worldly possessions…stripped of our identity….arrested…. convicted….imprisoned…. sentenced to death….all for being men faithful to pray and faithful to speak the Word of God in our pagan, corrupt culture? Let us not answer too quickly – let us consider the gravity of this calling in this moment…for these tests may be coming soon.
Now, what was the Lord’s message to Belshazzar via Daniel?
  • 5:18-21 — Belshazzar should have known better…he had seen the sins of his father, and God’s judgment
  • 5:22 – “Yet you…have not humbled your heart, even though you knew all this,” Daniel says to the king. “You have exalted yourself against the Lord of heaven.”
  • 5:26 – Mene,God has numbered your kingdom and put an end to it.”
  • 5:27 – Tekel, You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting.”
  • 5:28 – Peres, Your kingdom has been divided and given over to the Medes and Persians.”
  • Why was God judging Belshazzar? Because of Belshazzar’s pride…his vanity….his insolence….his hubris….Proverbs 16:18 – “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.”
Yes, the God of the Bible is a God of grace and mercy and forgiveness. He gives us one opportunity after another in life here on earth to say “Yes” to the Lord Jesus Christ and receive His free gift of forgiveness and eternal life by putting our faith in Christ’s death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead. But eventually there is a point of no return. There is a point in which you defy God too long….go too far….cross a line….and at that point you no longer have the opportunity to repent and receive God’s mercy. At that point, when you least expect it, you have sealed your own fate by rejecting the Most High God…by exalting yourself against the Lord, and you will stand condemned to the fires of hell for all of eternity with no way of escape.
Thus, the Scriptures are clear: Say “Yes” to Jesus Christ now, before it is too late.
  • “And the testimony is this, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life.” (I John 5:11-12)
  • “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish (die and go to hell forever and ever), but shall have eternal life….he who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” (John 3:16,18)
  • Jesus said, “Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell….Everyone who confesses Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 10:28,32-33)
  • Don’t do what Belshazzar did. Don’t keep defying the Most High God. Don’t wait too long to repent and give your life to the Lord. Otherwise there will come a point of no return. You will be weighed in God’s balances and found deficient, and the Kingdom of God will be ripped away from you and you won’t have another opportunity to be saved. The Apostle Paul put it clearly: “Now is the acceptable time [to get right with God],” he wrote. “Behold, now is the day of salvation.” (2 Corinthians 6:2)
5:29-31 – For some unknown reason Belshazzar kept his word to Daniel and rewarded him for his insight….and God kept His word and before the night was finished, Belshazzar was dead.

Question: Why did God write on the wall?
It was too late for that king — and that kingdom — to repent. Why, then, did God sent the message? To warn to those Babylonians who were in the room with Belshazzar, and to warn the entire nation of Babylon….and to warn us down through the centuries: Listen to the voice of God….read the Word of God….don’t harden your heart….understand the “handwriting on the wall”….understand that God is trying to wake you up….get your attention….draw you to Him….motivate you to serve Him….don’t wait too long….repent of your sins and receive Christ as your Savior while there is still time.
Today, we can see the handwriting on the wall once again….in Israel and the Middle East….and here in the United States….God is trying to get our attention….will we listen, or harden our hearts?

The Future of Israel and the Middle East
As followers of Jesus Christ, we can see the handwriting on the wall in the Middle East. We know what it says, and we know what it means: a terrible war is coming to the epicenter. God is going to shake the people of the Middle East. He wants them to wake up and realize their real and desperate and urgent need to receive Jesus as their Messiah, Savior and Lord. Jesus doesn’t want anyone in the epicenter to perish and go to hell. He wants them to all to be saved.
The Good News is that more Muslims and more Jews are coming to faith in Jesus than ever before in history. But it’s not enough for the Lord. Too many people are still resisting Him. So in His mercy He will continue shaking them in hopes that they will listen and repent like Nebuchadnezzar, not rejecting Him to the very end like Belshazzar.
Will the coming war be a prophetic war (like Ezekiel 38-39, the “War of God and Magog”), or just a really terrible geopolitical war? Of that we cannot yet be certain. But clearly the most dangerous corridor in the world is between Tel Aviv and Tehran. The leaders of the free world say Iran could have the Bomb by the end of 2012. Yet the nations of the world refuse to take decisive action to neutralize the Iranian threat. But make no mistake: if Iran’s mullahs get the Bomb, they could do in six minutes what it took Adolf Hitler six years to do – kill six million Jews.
Today’s Sunday New York Times magazine story suggests Israel and Iran may very well go to war in 2012.
The handwriting on the wall is clear – the question is: What will we as believers do about it?
  • Will the Church demonstrate the love and courage necessary to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the Middle East with clarity and compassion before it’s too late? If we really love the people of the epicenter, that’s exactly what we should do.
  • Will the Church do everything possible to encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ who live in theMiddle East– to pray for them, to visit them, to equip them, to assist them, to stand with them, come what may? Will we help the persecuted believers in the region? Will we train the pastors and help them plant new churches? Or will we ignore them, abandon them, refuse them in their hour of need? Again, if we love them, we will serve them.
  • Time is short, and the handwriting on the wall is clear.
The Future of America
The handwriting on the wall is also clear here in the United States. We as followers of Jesus Christ know full well that Americais in grave danger — not just at risk of decline but of outright collapse.
  • We now have more than $15 trillion in debt….100% of our GDP….but we are facing $65 trillion in unfunded liabilities…..we are on the Titanic, heading for the icebergs, and too many inWashington are saying, “Speed up!” not, “Turn around!”
  • The Bible warns us not to go into debt, yet we continue to defy Him.
  • We are defying God in other areas, too.
  • 53 million abortions
  • Legalized homosexual marriage
  • A pornography industry that makes more than ABC, CBS and NBC combined.
How much longer will the Lord wait before He lets us reap what we’ve sown?
Is God going to give us another chance, or is He finished with us?
Is America in a “Nebuchadnezzar moment” (where we still have an opportunity to repent and be restored), or a “Belshazzar moment” (where God removes His favor from us and turns out the lights)? Honestly, I’m not certain.
The good news is that God moved powerfully in this land in the early 1700s with the first “Great Awakening,” a series of amazing spiritual revivals that woke up the Church and rescuedAmerica. God moved powerfully again in the early 1800s with the “Second Great Awakening” that was even more transformative.
The question now is: Will God give us a Third Great Awakening? I don’t know, but I hope so. That’s why I’ve written the book, Implosion. But I can’t wait until June when it releases. I feel compelled to start talking about these issues now because they are so important. We need to be on our knees praying and fasting and pleading with God to have mercy on us. Yes, Washington and Wall Street and Hollywood bear much blame for the mess we’re in. But so does the Church.
There are 340,000 churches in the United States. They are all supposed to be shining cities on a hill. They are supposed to be lights in the darkness. But in too many American churches, the light is growing dim. In some churches, there is no light at all. We desperately need a revival of the Church to save this country. Nothing less will do.
Even if we elect godly, principled, wise and courageous leaders to the presidency, the Senate and the House in 2012, this won’t be enough to keep us from implosion. It’s still important, don’t get me wrong. But won’t be enough. We need a supernatural movement of God to rescue us, or this nation will collapse economically, morally and culturally.
On Saturday, June 16th, we will host the national “Implosion” simulcast….a three-hour program for churches all across the country….I’ll teach for about an hour on these issues, and then take 2 hours of questions in a live format…we’ll talk about how much trouble we’re in, and we’ll talk more about the Great Awakening and the Second Great Awakening and see if there are lessons we can learn and apply to our own time….I hope you and your churches will consider joining us for this.

The world is fearful and confused. Millions across the globe can see the handwriting on the wall. They know something is terribly wrong. They sense something terrible is coming. But they cannot read the handwriting or understand what it means. That’s your job. That the mission of the pastor, the man of God who knows the Word of God and is charged with teaching the Word of God. It is your job to analyze these present times in the light of God’s Word, in the light of Bible prophecy, and help the Church and the pagan world understand what God is saying….before it’s too late.
Too many pastors, however, are asleep to the trend lines. They are unable – or unwilling – to see how much danger the people of the Middle East are in, and how much danger the people of the United States are in. But now is precisely the time to call the Church, and the nations, and Israel, back to the God of the Bible…, while we still can.

See also:
Who will left behind?

Rapture Alert! Make Sure You don't Left Behind

What Will You Do If You Are Left Behind?

After the Rapture

The Tribulation

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

New World Order

10 Kingdoms – The Abolition of Sovereignty


Did you know that the European Union was an experiment that had long been planned by those behind a one world government. The idea being that if the European Union
proved the success of political and economic integration then this model could be repeated across other world regions. Now we have the Africa Union and the coming North American Union. Other regions are still at the economic union only
stage but it is much easier to start off with economic union followed by political union rather than the other way around. One should also not be fooled by the present chaos in Europe as this is part of the agenda for tightening political and economic unity known as the Hegelian concept, the principle of creating
the chaos necessary to justify the changes needed for a required end.
This weeks report takes a look at the ongoing progression of what is known as the Club of Rome
Model. A plot to destroy the sovereignty of individual and independent nations and replace it with
a form of governance in which the power to create and enforce laws across all of the countries in
the world will reside with just ten committees. If those committees elect a leader then one could
take this further and say ten leaders.

The relevance of this is because of the prophecy of John in Revelation 17.
“The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour
will receive authority as kings along with the beast. They have one purpose and will give their
power and authority to the beast. They will wage war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will triumph
over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings—and with him will be his called, chosen
and faithful followers.”
Revelation 17:12-13


The Outline of the Post-War New World Map was a map created and self-published by Maurice Gomberg of Philadelphia PA, on February 25, 1942 after the attack on Pearl Harbor and the entry of the U.S.A. into World War II.
It shows a proposed political division of the world after World War II in the event of an Allied victory in which the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union would rule. The map includes a manifesto describing a “New World Moral Order”, along with quotes from Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms speech.

Gomberg created the map as a personal project, and little else is known of him. The map has been
highlighted by scholars as the initial beginning of the world community regionalization model in which the world would be divided up into bioregions with an economic and political association.
After the Axis powers would have been destroyed, the Soviet Union, U.S.A. and United Kingdom would assure the institution of a new world order that would lead to a permanent peace (pax Americana) and the freedom would be a result of the war led by the allies.

For reasons regarding historical matters, economic organizing and geographic (continental)
neighbourhood, the U.S.A. should have taken the deliberate role of world leader and establish the new
democratic world order.
The project regarded the demilitarization of several countries, the submission of those countries to an
international control and including them into political unions and international organizations.
All of the states would have to obey common economical (global) rules, but the U.S.A. would
oversee the adherence to political freedoms. The plan would consist of:

Controlling at a global level the world’s natural wealth for the purpose of assuring equal access and
distribution for all the countries;

Controlling at a global level the bank institutions, the financial international organizations and the
foreign investments;

Controlling at a federal and regional level the external relations and the international trade
practiced by the member states.

The countries all over the world would have to become part of the regional or continental forms of
association, political unions of states, mostly federations. The states or union of states would
become also members of the United Nations Organization. This Organization would have to have
social, economic and military institutions of its own, with the help of which it would be able to intervene anywhere in the world to re-establish peace and democracy.
The shocking matter regarding this map is that it appears to anticipate with about seven decades the
phenomena of a state association trend that is happening in the present days or are planned at a
political level to happen in 10-20 years. In fact, the project regards the creation of a world map of
political union states that are to be organized at a continental level (continental unions). In Asia, where
the civilization diversity is greater that average, the organization is to be done at a sub continental level(regional).

There would have been the following structures:
A North American Union of States as a dominant world power that would include the US, Canada,
all Central American and Caribbean states, most Atlantic islands (including Greenland and Iceland),
most Pacific islands, Taiwan, Hainan, the Philippines and several now Indonesian islands,
including Sulawesi. This was to be the dominant power in the world, military and otherwise.
A union of socialist republics led by Russia. The Soviet Union was to be rewarded with Persia (Iran),
Mongolia, Manchuria, Finland, and all of Eastern Europe, which subsequently would form part of the
Eastern Bloc (excluding Albania, but including the real-life maverick state of Yugoslavia, socialist but
anti-Soviet) . All of theses states were simply to become member-states of the USSR. Austria and
most of Germany, although ‘quarantined’ are shown within the Soviet sphere.

The United States of South America (USSA): including all South American states, as a single
constituent state and the Falkland Islands as part of the USSA.
The Union of African Republics (UAR): All of Africa as a federation of republics.
The Arabian Federated Republics (AFR): covering Saudi and all other states now occupying
the Arabian Peninsula, plus present-day Iraq and Syria.
The Federated Republics of India (FRI): Present day Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan,
Bangladesh and Burma (Myanmar).
The United Republics of China (URC): A federation including all parts of present-day China,
Korea, the erstwhile French colony of Indochina (now Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia), Thailand and Malaya.
The United States of Scandinavia (USS): Norway, Sweden, Denmark.
The United States of Europe (USE): the Benelux countries, the German Rhineland, France,
Switzerland, Spain, Portugal and Italy.
And finally the British Commonwealth of Nations(BCN), including Great Britain,
Australia, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Madagascar and most of Indonesia.
Smaller entities include Eire (the whole of Ireland), Greece (including Albania), Turkey (excluding
European Turkey), Hebrewland (the Holy Land plus Jordan) and Japan. The three axis states
(Germany, Italy and Japan) were to be ‘quarantined’ until they could be readmitted in the family of

“As the USA with the cooperation of the Democracies of Latin-America, the British
Commonwealth of Nations and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, assumes world leadership for
the establishment of a New World Moral Order for permanent peace, justice, security and world
This proposal regarding a division of the world after the end of world War II was not immediately put into practice as the suggestion was considered to be contrary to the interest of U.S.A), the Soviet Union and against the wishes of United Kingdom, France, Portugal, Netherlands and others to keep their colonial domains.


Whilst writing in her book, “The Externalisation of the Hierarchy”, in
November, 1939 – Alice Bailey’s Guiding Spirit supposedly began to address
to her the ‘Economic Problem’.
“There are adequate resources for the sustenance of human life, and  these science can increase and develop… Man is the controller of it all,  and they belong to everyone and are the property of no one group, nation, or race. It is solely due to man’s selfishness that…thousands are  starving whilst food is rotting or destroyed; it is solely due to the  grasping schemes and the financial injustices of man’s making that the  resources of the planet are not universally available under some wise
system of distribution.”

In 1981, New Age leader Jeremy Rifkin proposed a new level of wealth redistribution in a book entitled, “Entropy: A New World View”. In this book, Rifkin argues that the world is using too many resources to create too many material things. Even though the New Age believes no energy is ever lost, that it is merely converted from one form of energy into another, Rifkin is proposing that when the energy is used the first time, it is weakened so that its subsequent use is less effective than its original
use. Rifkin explains his view. “A human being, a skyscraper, an automobile, and a blade of grass all
represent energy transformed from one state to another…the energy they embody doesn’t disappear. It
is merely transferred back somewhere else into the environment.”

However, Rifkin says that this transferred energy is weakened each time it is transferred, so that, finally, it is “no longer capable of conversion into work…Energy can only be transferred to a dissipated state.”
Therefore, Rifkin believes the world is currently producing too many material things that originally use too many resources. If the world is not to soon find itself in a position of running out of usable energy, Rifkin proposes that we must change our lifestyle dramatically. We must move into a State run economy that would regulate the production of all material things so the world will not run out of usable energy. This lifestyle is called “Low Entropy”. This change, says Rifkin, will require a radical “new world view”, and he urges draconian measures to achieve this new thinking. He says,
“The radical change in world view required to make this transition will have to be accomplished overnight.
There will be no time for polite debate, subtle compromise, or monetary equivocation. To succeed will  require a zealous determination, a militancy, if you will, of Herculean proportions.” (Ibid, p.186, Emphasis  added)
“Avatars [World Teachers, like Antichrist will be] frequently create crises in order to bring an end to the old and the undesirable and make way for new and more suitable forms for the evolving life of God Immanent in Nature.”
“Today, in the midst of this devastated, chaotic, and unhappy world, mankind has a fresh opportunity to  reject selfish, materialistic living and to begin to tread the Lighted Way. The moment that humanity shows  its willingness to do this, then the Christ will come …Before Christ could come with his disciples, our  present civilization had to die.” ["Reappearance of the Christ", by Foster Bailey, p. 21-23]
The key statement? They “frequently create crises in order to bring an end to the old and the undesirable”.
This is the ultimate goal of the Illuminati as they attempt to use the weapon of “regionalization” to strip countries of their own autonomy destroying the idea of sovereign states paving the way for a world map where the boundaries are blurred and where the rights to change and enforce laws on countries are reserved for heads of geographical regional blocs.
This thus leads us to the Club of Rome one of the  secret deadly weapons being used to bring about this change. [Emphasis added]


The Club of Rome is a global think tank that deals with a variety of international political issues.
It was founded in April 1968 and raised considerable public attention in 1972 with its report
Limits to Growth. The Club is composed of “scientists, economists, businessmen, international high civil servants, heads of state and former heads of state from all five continents who are convinced that the future of humankind is not determined once and for all and that each human being can contribute to the improvement of our societies.”
The Club of Rome consists of members of the so called Black Nobility of Europe, old families which lived in Venice and Genoa. These people have ruled vast financial empires for the past fifteen hundred years.
‘They are called the ‘Black’ nobility because of their constant use of dirty tricks, terrorism and unethical methods.
On September 17, 1973, they released a Report called the “Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World System” which was prepared by Directors Mihajlo Mesarovic and Eduard Pestel as part of the “Strategy for Survival Project”. This revealed the Club’s goal of dividing the world into ten political/economic (both) regions restructured drastically into a ‘horizontal system’ which would
involve interdependent ‘world regions’. The ten regions would unite the entire world under a single form of government.

The idea is now coming to life in the United Nations as regions begin to form economic
blocks loosely modelled after the European Union. Since the time of this map, Mexico
has been added to the North American region (1) as part of the coming creation of the controversial American Union and Israel is supposed to be aligned with region number (4). These regions are: North America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Japan,
Rest of Developed World, Latin America, Middle East, Rest of Africa, South and Southeast Asia, and China. The same plan was published in a Club of Rome book called Mankind at the Turning Point.

As part of this concept provisions would be made to investigate any individual country or sub region in the context of regional global development. The model has been developed up to the stage where it can be used for policy analysis related to a number of critical issues such as: energy resources utilization and technology assessment; food demand and production; population growth and the affect of timing of birth control programs;
reduction of inequities in regional economic developments; depletion dynamics of certain
resources, particularly oil reserves; phosphorus use as fertilizer; regional unemployment; constraints on growth due to labor, energy export limitation.

The European Union is a political, social and economic regional organization, having 27 member
states as it consist in a form of pan European unity. The result from its political and economical treaties reflects, through its structure, the democratic principle of the state power separation in: legislative power, executive power and juridical power, and regarding the legislative process, it following the principles of subsidiary and proportionality. According to Article 7 of the Treaty on European Union, as it has been revised by the other treaties, the integrative organization has communitarian institutions. These are:

The European Parliament that represents the European Union citizens, at they elect its members
trough direct vote.
The Council of the European Union (Council of Ministers) that represents each member state.
The European Commission, that represents the general interests of the E.U.
The Court of Justice for the European community, that watches over the abidance of the European
Currently, the Union is in an expanding process as other three countries — Croatia, The Republic of
Macedonia, and Turkey are candidate in acceding at the membership of the European Union
Because of the religious and cultural differences in comparison with the rest of the Europe, Turkey
confronts itself with a powerful opposition from the conservatory and religious E.U. governments.
Croatia is another candidate state for adhering at the Union. This process has delayed by the non
cooperation of Croatia with The International Criminal Tribunal in Hague. At 9l of November
2005, The European Commission recommended the provision of the candidate state for Macedonia
that became the third ex-Yugoslavic country to receive this statute.
Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are members of the European Economic Space (SEE/EEA) and this allows them to participate in most of the aspects regarding the single market of the E.U., without the obligation to adhere.
Switzerland, which is the forth EFTA state has rejected the participation at EEA trough a
referendum, yet it has signed several bilateral treaties with similar effects.

Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) is a multilateral partnership that encompasses 43 countries from
Europe and the Mediterranean Basin: the 27 member states of the European Union and 16
Mediterranean partner countries from North Africa, the Middle East and the Balkans. It was created in July 2008 as a re-launched Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (the Barcelona Process), when a plan to create an autonomous Mediterranean Union was dropped. The Union has the aim of promoting stability and prosperity throughout the Mediterranean region. Nevertheless, its 2009 and 2010 Summits could not be held due to the stalemate of the Arab-Israeli peace process after the Gaza war. The Union for the Mediterranean introduced new institutions into the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership with the aim of increasing its visibility such as the creation of a Secretariat. The commercial connections between the European countries and the African ones are very important. They have created the premises for a future economic union between the Mediterranean non European states and the communitarian countries. The Mediterranean Union reunites countries from Europe, Middle Est. and North Africa countries that have access to the Mediterranean Sea, forming an economic community by taking the model of the early European Union. As it would be formed by the E.U. states and the Mediterranean countries, the Mediterranean Union would have a State President Council, an executive council, ministerial councils, a Permanent
Commission that would act like a Secretary Department, a consolidated Parliament reunion and
its own bank. Such an organization could have a big role in the area in solving diverse problems, form
ecological issues to immigration.
From the European Union side: the 27 European Union member states (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom.)
From the side of the Mediterranean Partner countries: Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, Syria (self suspended on 22 June 2011), Tunisia and Turkey.
Libya as an observer state.

De-pollution of the Mediterranean. This broad project encompasses many initiatives that target
good environmental governance, access to drinkable water, water management, pollution
reduction and protection of the Mediterranean biodiversity.
Maritime and land highways. The purpose of this project is to increase and improve the circulation of  commodities and people throughout the Euro-Mediterranean region by improving its ports, and
building highways and railways. Specifically, the Paris and Marseilles Declarations refer to the
construction of both a Trans-Maghrebi railway and highway systems, connecting Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.

Civil protection. The civil protection project aims at improving the prevention, preparedness and
response to both natural and man-made disasters. The ultimate goal is to “bring the Mediterranean
Partner Countries progressively closer to the European Civil Protection Mechanism.
Alternative energies: Mediterranean solar plan. The goal of this project is to promote the production
and use of renewable energies. More specifically, it aims at turning the Mediterranean partner countries into producers of solar energy and then circulating the resulting electricity through the Euro-
Mediterranean region.
Higher education and research: On June 2008 the Euro-Mediterranean University was inaugurated
in Piran (Slovenia), which offers graduate studies programs. The Foreign Ministers gathered at
Marseilles on 2008 also called for the creation of another Euro-Mediterranean University in Fes,
Morocco. At the Paris summit, the 43 Heads of State and Government agreed that the goal of this
project is to promote higher education and scientific research in the Mediterranean, as well as to
establish in the future a “Euro-Mediterranean Higher Education, Science and Research Area.”

This is the organization that follows The Union of African Unity. Founded in July 2002, the entity was
created after the E.U. model, having the promotion of democracy, human right and development of
Africa as goals, especially increasing the level of foreign investments trough The New Partnership for
Africa Development programme (NEPAD) .
Elected in 2004, The Pan African Parliament opened in March 2004, initially having its
headquarters in Addis Ababa, in Ethiopia. It is currently having its headquarters in Midland, South
Initially, the Pan African Parliament only had a consultative role, but now it also has legislative
powers. It has 265 members that are also members of the national Parliament of the 53 African states.

The African Union has its own army (that has intervened as a peace force in the regional conflicts,
like the one in Darfur or the one in Somalia), a single Bank (The African Development Bank), a
Court of Justice (The African Court of Justice). The Union’s institutions are currently planning upon
issuing a unique currency named AFRO.
Several African leaders are sustaining the idea of creating out of the African Union a state federation
called The United States of Africa.
During a speech at Accra-Ghana in 2007, the president of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Robert
Mugabe stated that the African countries should help each other, instead of relying on the
international aids.
“If we don’t organize in putting our resources together, and we do have many resources, we will  never prosper, no matter the external help”,
One of the main supporters of the African union, the now deceased ex Libyan leader Muammar al-
Gaddafi along with Laurent Gbagbo, the president of Ivory Coast and Guillaume Soro, the Ivorian
prime minister, launched in 2007, during a meeting, a call for the African people to unite in one single
state and to put an end to civil wars, a call that was quoted by AFP.
“We have to build a strong state, with a single government, a single 2 million soldiers army, a  single currency, a single African identity, a single passport”, stated Ghaddafi in front in 5000  persons gathered in a hall in Abidjan.
The African leaders summit in Ghana ended only with the creation of a Committee mend to establish
a project and a calendar for the future Continental Union Government that should be established by
The idea dates back 50 years ago, as it has originally been issued by Kwame Nkrumak after the
gaining of Ghana’s independence.

The Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) formerly known as the South American Community Nations (until April 2007), is a political-economic regional organization, founded by 12 states from South America. It was created on the 8th of December 2004 in Cuzco, Peru, during the Third Meeting of the South American presidents.

The forming treaty of U.N.A.S.U.R. was signed on 23 of May 2008. It provides the creation of a unique currency, the creation of a central bank (the Bank of South) and of a South American Parliament in a new union capital, Quito, Ecuador. The former secretary general of The Andes Community, Allan Wagner Tizon, announced that the deadline for the integration process to be finalized is 2019.
The Union of South American Nations begun the integration plans by:
Constructing an access way between Brazil and Peru via Bolivia. As a result, Brazil will have access to the Pacific Ocean and Peru to Atlantic Ocean.
The construction begun in September 2005, being financed by Brazil 60% and Peru 40%.
Constructing The South American Energy Ring, a pipeline trough which Argentina, Brazil, Chile,
Paraguay and Uruguay will receive natural Peruvian gas. The Proposal was approved and the
construction begun in 2006.
Constructing bi-national gas product, a project designed for the energetic integration of Columbia
and Venezuela. The construction begun in mid 2006. The beneficiary of the project will be PDVSA
The national oil company from Venezuela. This project will cost over 300,000,000 USD.
The South American nations will also form a single military alliance for the first time. This new institution of The Union of South American Nations, The Council of Defense, is designed as an integration dialog and defense cooperation mechanism for the 12 Union states. Brazil’s president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva insisted upon creating this institution after the conflict between Columbia and Ecuador. Among the objectives of this new military institutions will be the increasing of military cooperation; humanitarian missions and peace operation coordonance.

The Slavic Union (Rusia-Belarus State Union) is an interstate form of association that has been
established by 2 treaties: Russia — Belarus Treaty (signed in Minsk, on in April 1997) and The Slave
Union Treaty (signed in Moscow on 8th of December 1999). The component countries keep
their suveranity Serbia is also part of this structure since 1999 and its participation was confirmed in 2003 and 2006.
South Osetia and Adhazia are part of this Union, even though they aren’t well known countries at an
international level. Both states have adhered in 2008 — 2009. Among other candidates there are
Transnistria, Kazakhstan in 2010 and Kyrgyzstan.

This is an international organization that formed a commercial community counting 6 Arab states:
Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. The state community hardly
receives any new members. Still, Yemen is expected to join the Arab community in 2016.

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) consists of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates. It is generally dominated by Saudi Arabia, which is the largest and most prominent member-state with the biggest oil reserves. As part of globalisation, the GCC is a form of economic integration on the Arab Peninsula. Since 1981 it has moved to a customs union with
joint-armed forces and there is now talk of a monetary union. The GCC being the heart of
capitalism in the Middle East, itself a huge investor in the global economy with a prominent place in global finance as well as the oil trade. All of these states have a tacit alliance with Israel. Gaddafi has
dubbed the council the “Gulf Uncooperative Council” as it recently sided with the US against
him. The GCC is actively involved in the exportation of oil from the rebel-controlled east of the country.
The GCC organised the recent summit in Qatar and has been supplying the Libyan rebels with arms.
US interests in the region rely on the ability of the GCC to repress opposition in countries like Bahrain.
With Saudi Arabia in the lead, the Peninsula Shield Force, the military wing of the GCC has intervened against the uprising in Bahrain with the supposed aim of protecting the country and it’s military infrastructure from “foreign interference”. Officially, the fear is that the Shi’ite population might be trying to establish an Islamic state in the Gulf modelled on Iran. Interestingly, the GCC was formed in an effort by these countries to insulate themselves from the conflict between Iran and Iraq. Though the GCC supported Saddam Hussein against Ayatollah Khomeini for fear of that the “Islamic Revolution” could spread. In such a scenario the precious oil fields could be threatened, as the people living on the land are predominantly Shi’ite Muslim. When Iraq attempted to annex Kuwait in 1990 the GCC immediately made moves to ostracise Iraq and went on to participate in the Persian Gulf War against Iraq.

The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is a political economic
organization that had in 1995, 7 Asian members: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal,
Maldives and Bhutan. Since 2007, at the 14th Organization Summit, Afghanistan became the
eighth member.

For the past 63 years – the life span of most countries of this region, South Asia has remained in
a state of tension. The eight SAARC countries* that make up this geopolitically sensitive region, where a
major chunk of the humanity lives, do not enjoy the kind of friendly and harmonious relationship with
each other, as one would have expected. This despite efforts of some well meaning leaders like
General Irshad, former Bangladeshi president, who tried to bring the people and the countries together
on a single platform of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation on the pattern of the
European Union to help develop the region into a major economic and political bloc.
The organization’s cohesion and its role in Asia are questioned by the military rivalry between India and Pakistan.
This conflict represents the cause for which an Asian Union is impossible to conceive in the area, in
spite of the existing dream regarding one big India. Still, the Trade Agreement came into force on the
1st of January 2006.

This association known as ASEAN is a geopolitical and economic organization composed of ten
countries in South East Asia. It was originally formed in August 1967 by Indonesia, Malaysia,
Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.

The Organization is supporting the economic development of the member countries and also their social development. ASEAN as an economic community is planned for creation in 2020 and is supposed to have some resemblance to the European Union, because it should have the three
fundamentals of freedom of movement between countries regarding goods, people and capital.
The single market should number over 530 million persons from the ten states: Malaysia, Indonesia,
Singapore, Brunei, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar (Burma) and Cambodia.

The North American Union (NAU) is a proposed international government encompassing the nations
of Canada, the United States, and Mexico. It could be considered the North American analogue of the European Union. The blueprint for this governing body was laid out in a 2005 report entitled “Building a North American Community” published by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), an American foreign policy think tank, with input from the Canadian Council of Chief Executives and the Consejo Mexicano de Asuntos Internacionales.

The belief that a North American Union with a single currency known as the Amero was being planned and implemented in secret became widespread, so much so that the NAU was a topic of debate during the 2008 American presidential campaigns and the subject of various U.S. Congressional resolutions designed to thwart its implementation.
Prominent critics such as CNN’s Lou Dobbs and Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul
denounced the concept, joined by left-wing nationalist groups in Canada, Internet blogs, and
widely viewed videos and films such as Zeitgeist”.
Jerome Corsi’s 2007 book “The Late Great USA: The Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada” also helped bring the NAU discussion into the mainstream. Others who dismiss these beliefs
maintain they are the latest example of a long line of erroneous conspiracy theories which suggest that the United States’ sovereignty is being eroded by a secret cabal of foreign and domestic players.

Development of the Asia Pacific Union has also begun in earnest. In December 2008, then
Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd suggested that Asia and Pacific countries, including the
region’s heavyweights such as China, India and Japan, form a regional bloc similar to the European
“The key thing is to enhance security and regional co-operation, which at present is fragmented,”He argued that an “Asia-Pacific Community” could be founded by 2020 as a forum for tackling climate change and terrorism, as well as settling territorial conflicts, such as over Kashmir, the Taiwan Straits and the Korean peninsula. Furthermore, it could serve as a trade platform to help exploit the benefits of the looming economic power of the region, which he thinks will be “at the centre of global affairs” throughout this century. He says,
“Put simply, global economic and strategic weight is shifting to Asia,”
Before Rudd left office in 2010 he has experienced a number of challenges because of the fact that
many of the asian countries already belong to their own regional unions of which many do not facilitate close facilitate close integration with the U.S as Rudd has been pushing.
For now Australia has to be content with being a part of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
which is a far looser arrangement.

The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is a forum for 21 Pacific Rim countries (formally Member Economies) that seeks to promote free trade and economic cooperation throughout the Asia-Pacific region.
Established in 1989 in response to the growing interdependence of Asia-Pacific economies and the
advent of regional economic blocs (such as the European Union) in other parts of the world, APEC
works to raise living standards and education levels through sustainable economic growth and to foster
a sense of community and an appreciation of shared interests among Asia-Pacific countries.
Members account for approximately 40% of the world’s population, approximately 54% of the
world’s gross domestic product and about 44% of world trade.
An annual APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting is attended by the heads of government of all APEC
members except the Republic of China (Taiwan), which is represented under the name Chinese
Taipei by a ministerial-level official.


The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) is an organisation of 15 Caribbean nations and
dependencies. CARICOM’s main purposes are to promote economic integration and cooperation
among its members, to ensure that the benefits of integration are equitably shared, and to coordinate
foreign policy.
Its major activities involve coordinating economic policies and development planning; devising and
instituting special projects for the less-developed countries within its jurisdiction; operating as a
regional single market for many of its members (Caricom Single Market); and handling regional
trade disputes. The secretariat headquarters is based in Georgetown, Guyana.

The Arab league unlike all the previous unions is not so much a commercial union as one which is
supposed to be more a united political voice.

Founded in March 1945, the League of Arab States (or Arab League) is a loose confederation of twenty-two Arab nations, including Palestine, whose broad mission is to improve coordination among its members on matters of common interest while preserving the sovereignty of its individual states.
The League was chartered in response to concerns about postwar colonial divisions of territory as well as strong opposition to the emergence of a Jewish state in Palestine. But it has long been criticized for ineffectiveness, disunity, and poor governance.
Critics also say it has traditionally been more representative of its various autocratic regimes than of Arab citizens.
Unrest across the Arab world in 2011 and a push for Palestinian statehood at the UN have presented the Arab League with fresh tests of relevance. Some critics see positive developments in the League’s actions in Libya, where it supported a no-fly zone and the ouster of Muammar al-Qaddafi and in Syria, where it called for an end to the crackdown of Bashar al-Assad’s regime. Shadi Hamid of the Brookings Institution says the Libya precedent shows the Arab League does have a role to play.
“Before that,” he adds, “No one was really sure what its raison d’être was. Now there is a need for a
collective body to address the various changes that are going on the in the region.”
Still others say the
League’s actions represent little more than a gesture of public appeasement.

A continental union is an inter-governmental, supranational, or a federation of member states located in the same continent, or close to it. Continental unions are a relatively new type of political entity in
the history of human government. Throughout most of human history, political organization has been at the local level (i.e. tribal, city state) and in more recent centuries, the sub-regional (“regional”)/subcontinental level, however, starting with the advent of better transportation, weapons and communication there was for the first time the ability for a union of member states to organize at the continental level.
After the devastation of the first and second world wars in the middle of the 1900s Europe slowly
evolved from its founding as the “Coal and Steel Community” to become a political union covering
much of the European Continent (27 member states as of 2011. Seeking to follow in the foot steps of
the European Union, in 2002 and 2008 the African Union and Union of South American Nations
respectively, set down similar blueprints for integration into political and economic unions at the
continental level.
Other unions as we have seen are purely economic unions only or political unions only however the
concept of regionalization is something which we see at the heart of the Club of Rome model
because through regionalization it is much more easier to pull all countries into a one world
government where nations have given up all or parts of their sovereignty allowing the unions
collective choice to represent all member nations of the union.
And what if a member nations decides to resist going along with the rest of the union. They then
face significant economic disadvantages in terms of free trade and all the commercial benefits that come as part of the economic union with local countries.
The new world order economic system is clearly designed to capture all. [Emphasis added]


The Daniel 7:23-25, “He gave me this explanation: ‘The fourth beast  is a fourth kingdom that will appear on earth. It will be different from  all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth, trampling it  down and crushing it. The ten horns are ten kings who will come
from this kingdom. After them another king will arise, different from  the earlier ones; he will subdue three kings. He will speak against  the Most High and oppress his saints and try to change the set  times and the laws. The saints will be handed over to him for a time,
times and half a time.”

The “ten horns” are explained in Daniel 7:23-25 and Revelation 17:12 to be ten kings, and the whole vision is of the last form of Gentile world-power, a confederated ten-kingdom empire, most likely covering the whole Earth. Now, it’s interesting to note, that on the year 1972, the Club of Rome proposed a plan to divide the whole world into 10 Regions. Could these 10 regions be the 10 Horns of the Bible? Now, the question arises is that who will
control these regions? Scholars have suggested that the Anti-Christ (Little Horn) would be in control of such regions. But what does the word of God say? Daniel 7:8, “While I was thinking about the horns, there  before me was another horn, a little one, which came up among them; and three of the first horns were  uprooted before it. This horn had eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth that spoke boastfully.” Noticed that this ‘little horn’ is a man, and a very proud one. Therefore, could this man have total control of the whole world?
Furthermore, this proposed 10 regions will be divided into countries, or members belonging to their
particular regions. Below, you will find a comparison regarding the proposed 10 regions, and the current unions and proposed union for both political and economic union:

If we were to compare the first map with the newly born Communities (Unions) in the second map, we could find some discrepancies. Nevertheless, the discrepancies aren’t crucial. For example, the coming NAU (North American Union), which is theorized to be implemented in the next five years, started back in the days of NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) back in the 90′s, and now the government calls it the SPP (Security Prosperity Partnership), you can see that Mexico is not included in Fig.1, but it’s included in the proposed NAU. The reasons for such discrepancies could be due to the fact, that Fig.1 is a Map that goes back to the Cold War area, and lots of barriers were set in place: Example (Western Europe, Eastern Europe, South Africa). But now, that communism fell in the Soviet Union, the apartheid is over, well it’s full steam ahead for the kingdoms. Moreover, what does the word of God say about such Unions (Kingdoms)?
In Daniel 7:20-22, it speaks of a ‘little horn‘ coming out of the 10 Horns, who will speak boastfully against the Most High God. Moreover, some theologians have stated this ‘little horn’ signifies the Anti-Christ, who will wage war against the Saints. In fact, he was defeating the Saints, until the Ancient of Days came and pronounced judgement in favor of the saints on the Most High God, and thus the saints possessed the everlasting kingdom.
Moreover, in Daniel 7:26,“But the court will sit, and his power will be taken away and completely destroyed  forever. Then the sovereignty, power and greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be  handed over to the saints, the people of the Most High. His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all  rulers will worship and obey him.”
As you can see God will conquered all the kingdoms (10 Horns) under the earth. The question arises, how will God accomplished this? Well, it will not be through peaceful means, but through war. In Revelation 19:11-21, it depicts our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, coming down from heaven with his heavenly Army to wage war against the Beast and his Kingdoms. It states the following: Revelation 19:11-21,“I saw heaven  standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice  he judges and makes war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a  name written on him that no one knows but he himself. 13He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his  name is the Word of God.
The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine  linen, white and clean. Out of his mouth
comes a sharp sword with which to strike  down the nations.He will rule them with  an iron scepter’.” He treads the winepress  of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty.
On his robe and on his thigh he has this  name written:

KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. And I saw an angel standing in the sun, who cried in a loud voice to all  the birds flying in midair, ‘Come, gather together for the great supper of God, so that you may eat the flesh of kings, generals, and mighty men, of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all people, free and slave, small and great.’ Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against the rider on the horse and his army. But the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who had  performed the miraculous signs on his behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received  the mark of the beast and worshiped his image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of  burning sulfur. The rest of them were killed with the sword that came out of the mouth of the rider on the  horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.”
As you can see from the above passage, our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, will come to defeat the Armies of earth in a final conflict, called the Battle of Armageddon. Therefore, the kingdom of God will be established on Earth, as we can see from Daniel 2:44-45,
In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever. This is the meaning of the vision of the rock cut out of a mountain, but not by human hands—a rock that broke the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver and the gold to pieces.”
Therefore, the kingdom of God will be an everlasting one, that will never end”. Noticed that it states, in the times of those kings, we are living in such times. The 10 regions are awakening and yet few people realize it. This verse also speaks of a rock cut out of a mountain, but not by human hands. This ‘Rock’ is our Lord Jesus Christ, cut out of a mountain (God’s Kingdom), but not by human hands (Holy Spirit). Thus, this mountain will fill the whole Earth.


In previous editions we have seen how man’s attempt to create a global government will be essentially a demonic influenced attempt to establish a New World Order in which the Middle East will become a
significant focal point. There are various schools of thought with some believing that a rebuilt Babylon in Iraq will become the centre of an International United Nations initiative whilst others believe that with the rebuilding of Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem that Jerusalem will become the capital of the New World Order.
However the key to understanding Armageddon is that as this New World Order is formed that not all
world regions will fully embrace it. This is one of the reasons why it is important to understand that when we speak of a New World Order we are referring to a political vision which historically rests on the aims and aspirations of the Bavarian Illumunati, ancient families of nobility that were positioned within Britain and mainland Europe who also then infiltrated the United States under the leadership of Albert Pike to ensure the United States also came under the control of powerful Masonic influences during the nineteenth century.
Whilst the Illuminati since the eighteenth century used the vehicle of freemasonry to extend it global
positioning outside of Europe and the United States, the truth remains that the end time vision of the global elite today is one which clearly favours the historical and geographical dominance of world power within networks that are more easily controlled by the Masonic families of power. This is why many prophecy scholars understand the importance of a United States of Europe in bible prophecy with some believing that the vision of the great image in Daniel 2 confirms a refocusing of world power within Europe before the second coming of Christ, hence continual focus on the growing power of the European Union and Mediterranean Union.
However, when it comes to the Islamic world where Islam has a deep hatred and mistrust of freemasonry (Islam clearly associates freemasonry/illuminati as “political Zionism”, a Western attempt to control the world and middle East using Israel as the key) and nations of the far east such as China, North Korea, Thailand whose political and historical ideologies are far different to the west, it should become obvious that trying to create a peaceful world government is filled with significant challenges when trying to pull in nations that have long resented the western world and its political ideals.
Evidence of this conflict of political ideology is one of the reasons why in October 2009 many of the
countries of the Middle East, South America and the Far East began discussions about setting up their
own international currency to compete against the USD as the dominant international currency. On
Tuesday 6th October 2009 a report was published in the UK Independent, confirming that the Arab
States, Russia and China had launched secret moves to stop using US currency for oil trading.
“In the most profound financial change in recent Middle East history, Gulf Arabs are planning along with
China, Russia, Japan and France to end dollar dealings for oil, moving instead to a basket of currencies
including the Japanese Yen, Chinese Yuan, the euro, gold and a new, unified currency planned for nations
in the Gulf Co-operation Council including Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait and Qatar.”
The United States was not party to these discussions in Hong Kong which also influenced Brazil and India to also voice their support for trading in non dollar oil payments. Ever since the Bretton Woods agreements - the accords after World War II which created the financial architecture for the world economy, the United States has dominated the global economy with the US dollar as the global reserve currency. It is now observable that with the global financial collapse of 2008 still being referred to an Anglo Saxon disaster in which Britain and the United States are seen as the culprits has renewed the focus of the emerging markets to seize control of world financial influence.
Once we understand this global dynamic between different world regions it makes it easier understanding why the bible clearly defines four major regional powers at the time of the fulfillment of the New World Order in which three of the regional powers will rebel and facilitate a series of actions that will lead to a major war which the bible terms the “Battle of Armageddon”

Anti federalist groups, civil liberty groups, patriot groups and religious groups are
well aware of the migration to a one world government which will not only strip
countries of their own decision making ability but also drill down to the removal of
personal liberty and freedoms for the population.

Many new age movement advocates talk about the need for bloodshed to bring to
plan the one world government system and this is where the concept of Martial Law
becomes evident. Martial law is the concept used to crush rebellion by the people.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Slain Of The Spirit II

SLAIN IN THE SPIRIT by Let Us Reason Togehter Ministries

What Charismatic’s enthusiasts say is when the Spirit comes upon you it will overcome you with power, slaying you. Today this has become the common denominator of the Spirits presence with power and is sought after as proof of receiving the anointing. With such people as Benny Hinn, Rod Parsley, Richard Roberts and a host of others who have developed it to be a trademark of their meetings. This is not to discount that the Holy Spirit can do unusual things, however before we put a stamp of approval on a practice to be a normality instead of the unusual, we need to see if it is promoted as such in the Scriptures.

What do we find? We do not see any of this practiced or even hinted in the Scripture. When the Spirit came upon Jesus at His baptism He came up out of the water; He didn’t collapse and sink down! The Lord Jesus had power to heal even the worst cases of disease, blindness and crippled limbs, and yet no one who Jesus ever touched fell over “slain.” Nor do we find Peter or John touching people and causing them to fall over. They did not ask other disciples to stand behind those they were going to lay hands on, to catch them as they toppled backward by the power. The New Testament has no people lining up waiting for the “anointing” to be passed on from another, not even the Apostles. Can you picture any of the Apostles running up to people and slapping them on the forehead, or lining people up to be slain? No soft music or repetitive choruses were sung to set an atmosphere for the anointing to fall. No one yelled repetitive phrases like, “Fire!” or “touch” or “More, Lord!” So where does this all come from ?

Those who advocate this practice need to consider what they are really attributing to the Holy Spirit. There is no Biblical precedent for being “slain in the Spirit” as we see practiced today.

Jesus is the baptizer, who anoints with the Holy Spirit. The power really comes only from Christ, just what are people receiving through this experience? Do these displays of power become the convincing proof of God’s presence? John 10:41-42 records, “Then many came to Him and said, ‘John performed no sign, but all the things that John spoke about this Man were true.’ And many believed in Him there.” John convinced the people without a display of miracles. It was the truth that converted them and made them into followers. It is by knowing the truth (the Word) that keeps people following faithfully, not displays of power. We don’t need to be slain “in the Spirit”, but cut “by the Spirit,” the Word (John 6:63; Hebrews 4:12). One way is by expositional preaching the other is offered by experience. One comes by the Word that is objective, that teaches and convicts through the Holy Spirit, the other is subjective, by a person touching you or imparting a power. The Word is Biblical, the other is not.

The Old Testament has many examples of saints who fell to the ground. In Genesis 15:12-18 when Abraham was put to sleep horror and great darkness fell upon him, but it was not pleasant. This was a special event signifying God’s covenant with Abraham as God told about his offspring’s future. This act was not repeated for any of his descendents. Notice the passage indicates that the experience was not enjoyable. Genesis 17:3 Abraham falls on his face, but this does not describe an involuntary act of being slain in the Spirit as some claim. Abraham fell face forward toward the ground on his own accord, in reverence, in an act of fully conscious worship.

Scriptures used to validate this as Biblical are:

Gen.15, 17:1-3; Josh.5:13-15; Ez.1:28,43;1-5, 44:4; Mt.17:5-6; Rev.1:7, 7:11, 11:16-17; Acts 9.

Many fell backwards in Scripture, but it was not a blessing! In 1 Samuel 4:18: Eli fell off his seat backwards on hearing of the death of his sons and the capture of the Ark and he died. Isaiah 28:13 the prophet speaks of God’s Word sent to refresh, but if not heard it became a judgment “that they may go and stumble backward, and be broken.” In all these examples it is a judgment, not a blessing! In 1 Samuel 28:20 we read of Saul immediately collapsing “full length” on the ground upon hearing of his impending death from Samuel after consulting the witch of Endor.

2 Chronicles 5, describes God’s glory filling the newly completed Temple. It says, “The priests could not continue ministering ... for the glory of the Lord filled the house of God” (v.14). This cannot be made into a normative occurrence for today’s Church, as many have tried to do. This was a celebration because the temple was completed, the ark was brought in and Solomon had the priests assemble inside the most holy place. Inside the glory manifested physically as cloud in a contained place, the rest of Israel was still standing outside. In 2 Chronicles 7:2 and I Kings 8:11 the priests could not enter the temple or perform the priestly duties of the LORD because the temple was filled with the glory of the LORD.

In Ezekiel 1:28 and 2:1 the prophet is overwhelmed by the vision he saw and falls forward in worship. Those who are holy fall forward in conscious submission to God’s Holy presence. They do not become dazed and confused, as in some spirit services today. Those who are enemies fall backward when confronted with God’s true power. Philippians 2 says every knee will bow. Those who are conscious of who they serve bow forward, willingly and fully conscious. Those who fall backward overwhelmed, show a lack of submission, and rebellion.

Daniel, in 10:4-11 encountered a powerful angel and said, “I had no strength left, my face turned deathly pale, and I was helpless... I fell into a deep sleep, my face to the ground.” Daniel fell on his face; he fell forward. This was not without purpose. Daniel, a prophet, was receiving revelation that would become Scripture. Since in the Old Testament those who were affected in this manner were not born again, indwelt permanently by the Holy Spirit, this experience cannot be used as normative for the Church today. When John saw Jesus glorified in heaven (Revelation 1:17) he describes that, ‘“I fell at His feet as dead. But He laid His right hand on me, saying to me, “Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last.” John was overcome with fear; he did not recognize Him as the Jesus He knew on earth.

What about Saul on the road to Damascus in Acts 9? Those who promote the “slain in the Spirit” phenomenon cite Saul’s encounter with the appearance of the Lord on the road to Damascus in Acts 9:3-4 for Biblical support. Saul was an unbeliever on his way to his next extermination. He was knocked to the ground by a light (the Sheckinah glory) and he had a revelation of Christ. When Saul fell, no one touched him and no one was there to catch him. The Scripture doesn’t actually say how he fell, but the Greek language seems to indicate he went to the ground on his own volition. Jesus does not appear to be the source of Paul’s falling to the ground, Jesus did not allow Paul to remain on the ground, but told him to “arise and go into Damascus.” Remember Saul was unsaved at the time, so this does not provide any justification for regarding it as a model for believers to practice today. He was consciously carrying on a conversation with the Lord. In Acts 26:14 Paul, recalling the event, states all who were with him saw the light and fell to the ground, but only he heard the voice (Acts 22:9). This was an extreme measure designed to get Paul’s attention, as he was on his way to kill Christians. The others with Paul who also fell were unbelievers and stayed in their unbelieving state. Therefore, this incident involving falling to the ground (being slain by the Spirit) cannot be used to support the idea that it is a spiritual blessing, as commonly said today.

In examples from either the Old Testament or the New, the men affected did not have a permanent indwelling of the Spirit. When the soldiers came to arrest Jesus, in John 18:4-6 He reveals His power in a unique way. He identified himself to the soldiers who were arresting him and they “drew back and fell to the ground.” Jesus first revealed Himself by saying His divine name, “I Am,” making it clear who it is they came for. When He identified Himself to them, they fell to the ground in judgment. These pagan sinners did fall -- backwards. They did not experience revelation or receive an anointing, or conversion, they got right back up and arrested Jesus. There was no change in them; they were still enemies of Jesus. Also, none of Jesus’ followers fell down during the arrest. Certainly none of this represents a pattern for the Church. Those who practice the artful ritual of being “slain in the Spirit” today deny or ignore these Biblical facts in order to embrace an experience that is not endorsed in the whole New Testament.

This is even stated in the Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic movements “There is no mention of the Spirit here (Jn.18:1-6) and John portrays no relationship between Spirit and power and Jesus. The text remains enigmatic, especially since John offers neither explanation for, nor effect of their fall.

Those who are in rebellion to God seem to fall backward in Scripture. This just may be a sign today, not as a blessing but to show that these people are not submitting to His Word; so it is a sign of judgment. The idea that God is doing a “new thing” is without any biblical precedent. Their attempt to justify and defend this practice is by going to texts from the Old Testament. and yanking them out of their context and background. Trying to use the few incidents in Acts one cannot make them normative for the Church (believers) today.

The power is suppose to get people up not put them down and out. At the gate Beautiful Peter said to the blind man, “silver and gold I have none, but in the name of Jesus, RISE UP and walk.” Most of these new anointed dispensers of power can’t say the same because silver and gold they have abundantly. The power of God got people up, those who were thrown to the ground shaking and having convulsions were not possessed by the Holy Spirit but often demon-possessed in need of deliverance. They were not reacting from receiving God’s power they were in need of God’s power for it to stop.

Many travel to crusades to get this anointing from the anointed mediator who dispenses it. What is the purpose of someone being knocked to the floor and they are picked up and the whole procedure is repeated up to eight times. Was not the first time enough to receive an anointing. What is the purpose of this experience all about? Who is getting the attention at the time? We are not to be drawing attention to the vessel but the Lord who is working through the instrument. Is the first anointing that he places on people not enough? Or is it for show? He sometimes has people falling together like a violent pile-up on a freeway. People are lifted off the ground resembling a martial arts movie. Nothing glorifies God with this behavior. Martial arts, Chi power, the Gurus touch people ( as in the occult), and can certainly knock them over. These are similarities that cannot be overlooked. Can someone say touch or wave their arms or point their fingers and release the anointing having someone go down. When we see Tele-evangelists blow on people they go down yet when Christ breathed on the disciples they did not. When Jesus touched people they did not fall. God has not entrusted this type of power to any man today. The biblical model is whenever the Spirit fell they were not expecting him. The Spirit is called the comforter, the helper another one like Jesus. When Jesus left he said he would send us another like himself. His role was to replace the physical Jesus by indwelling all believers giving them a relationship with God. the question we need to ask is did Jesus act this erratic and have power displays? If not then why should the Spirit act this way when he is to point to Jesus. Is this the nature of Jesus or something other then him operating? How is it the person who dispenses this power that can knock people down, can stand through it all. That they can touch people even the catchers and they don’t go down during the service. How is the same person who just was felled over by his touch can afterward be hugged and not go over. Who then is in control if it only happens at the wave of his hand or when he says the word? Why does this only occur at the big crusades and where they meet for service and it does not take place during their days chores.

Charles Hodge one of the great theologians had this to say about this experience “..There is nothing in the Bible to lead us to regard these bodily affections as the legitimate effects of religious feelings, no such results followed the preaching of Christ or his apostles. We hear of no general outcries, faintings, convulsions, or ravings in the assemblies which they addressed…”It is evident that loud outcries and convulsions are inconsistent with these things, and therefore ought to be discouraged. They cannot be from God, for he is not the author of confusion” ( C. Hodge p.80 1851).

The fruit of the Spirit is self-control. The question those who are open to new experiences should ask themselves is… would God offer me an experience that has me sacrifice a characteristic of the Spirit? Would He cause me to act in a way opposite to His nature and what He himself is trying to conform me to? Ephesians 5:18-19 tells us “be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.” This is an ongoing command, we are to be continually filled with the Spirit. But is this to be an experience all the time, does it show itself physically? No. Paul says to be filled with the Spirit, means self control and joy, singing. The opposite of the true Biblical filling of the Spirit is to be out of control, laid out on the ground. He is making a CONTRAST. The Bibles definition simply means for us to yield and be under his control, the opposite is to be out of control as a rag doll on the ground, drunk and incapacitated. Paul says to be filled with the Spirit gives one self control. To be filled means we yield to the Lord and give Him control of our lives. He wants us active doing His work, not knocked out, numb or dumb. Being filled with the Spirit does not produce the same effects as alcoholic beverages, it is just the opposite. If it did the people who enjoy it would be coming to the church for their natural high fix. Many people say it is the joy of the Lord , but the joy of the Lord is our strength not weakness, it does not make one unable to rise off the ground.

Many incentives prepare someone for this supposed spiritual experience. First there is the anticipation of this happening; the autosuggestion of going down. They accept the experience because they are already predisposed to the idea that one falls when the Spirit comes upon them, and already accept this experience being from God. They are open mentally to this being from God. Therefore when someone touches them or points their way they comply. Another thing to consider is the peer pressure to conform to what is going on and expected in the gathering. When someone comes up in a big crowd they are expected to go down. They might be embarrassed not to fall down when everyone else is falling, or they may be considered unspiritual, and others might think something is wrong with them. Falling down at the right time becomes a learned methodology. Many people had admitted later they went down so they would not disappoint the speaker. Others may go down in hope that this might bring an experience they never had before. Still others say they were overcome by a power.

We need to consider a possibility that if true, can be unspeakably dangerous for the participants, that is, the operation of demonic powers. Many who have studied occult phenomena in false religions find that “slain in the Spirit” is not a new phenomenon. This power is found in Hinduism, the wife of Shiva the destroyer is kali known also as Shakti the force. When a devotee receives the touch from the Guru on the forehead they can be knocked to the ground, they can laugh, shake or experience being caught up in some ecstatic illumination experiencing Nirvana and light. There are many pagan religious practices, such as “shakti-pat” by Hindu gurus, which when observed looks exactly like being “slain in the Spirit.” The only difference is that their practices came first, preceding the modern Pentecostal practice. The cults also describe the Spirit as a force. Bruce R. McConkie, who was an apostle and authority of the Mormon Church wrote, “The Spirit of God which emanates from Deity may be likened to electricity” (Mormon Doctrine, pp. 752-53). Isn’t this what we are hearing from those experiencing these manifestations?

The only way to know the true from the false is to test it. Jesus had the greatest anointing, yet, when He prayed for people they did not fall over; neither did Jesus go down when He was anointed. The Spirit came upon him as a dove, as a gentle companion. This phenomena and practice is foreign to Scripture. Can the Holy Spirit be thrown around like a force? This Spirit goes where the conductor tells Him to go. Biblically we are to submit and take our guidance from the Spirit, this is the opposite. Jesus taught that the Holy Spirit goes where He will, He chooses how He will be known in the heart and life of a believer, and it is not for any man to decide when His abiding in another is to be. In John 3:8 we read, “The wind blows where it pleases, and you hear the sound thereof, but cannot not tell where it came, and where it goes: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.” No one knows where the Spirit comes from or where the Spirit goes. The Spirit is likened to the wind. Those who can dispense the anointing seem to tell the Spirit where to go and know where He will go next and what He or “it” will do. Think, my friend! Where do we find these experiences? Even the apostles did not have such experiences! What is operating? What is the source? Remember the Spirit is God himself who is supposedly thrown around the room. Whenever the presence came in the Old Testament all were affected but today the dispenser of this power stands strong while the participants all go down. Are they alone immune to its affects ?

The Bible commands us to test it. Mature Christians test the spirits; babies, weak and carnal Christians avoid testing, (Hebrews 5:13-14) because of naiveté or just insecurity and wanting to avoid know the truth. The result will be the same for all who do not guard their souls. They fall into destructive and non-Biblical practices that hurt their own Christian walk and testimonies. Much like the speaking in tongues as proof of the Spirits presence, this too has gone beyond the Bibles boundaries.

One of the earliest stories of this occurring in modern times outside the shamans is from a woman named Maria Woodsworth-Etter (1844-1924) She was a preacher in the holiness movement in the 1880’s. She gained a reputation by falsely prophesying that San Francisco would be destroyed by an earthquake in 1890. She describes her power from a vision ...Maria had a great vision. Angels came into her room. They took her to the West, over prairies, lakes, forests, and rivers where she saw a long, wide field of waving golden grain. As the view unfolded she began to preach and saw the grains begin to fall like sheaves. Then Jesus told her that, “just as the grain fell, so people would fall” as she preached. (Wayne E. Warner, “Neglect Not the Gift That Is in Thee,” Etter Sermon from The Woman Evangelist p. 10)

Alan Morrison of Diakrisis Publications in England discusses the phenomenon that made this woman famous. “In her preaching in the 1880’s, she advocated a religious experience she called the “power”, and she would often go into a trance during the services, standing with her hands raised in the air for more than an hour. Nicknamed the trance- evangelist and even the voodoo priestess, she was often accused of hypnotizing people. And here is where we come to the very crux of the “slain in the Spirit Phenomenon.” Morrison identifies this hidden power that Maria discovered which was non other than the ancient art of hypnotism that almost a century (1734-1815) before was practiced with the same results by Anton Mesmer. “As one researcher of the occult has noted, the phenomenon that are now defined as hypnotic emerged from the faith healing activities of Mesmer at the turn of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. (James Webb, the Occult Establishment Open Court 1976, p.352) “

Mesmer could actually be considered the father of slain in the Spirit except that he was plainly an occultist. Mesmer claimed to have discovered what he dubbed as animal magnetism. Having an interest in ESP and doing a doctoral study on astrology, He took a scientific approach on reaching spiritual contacts and trances through animal magnetism (universal fluid). “ What he discovered was an activation of strange powers in man that would help him gain insights into cosmic truths hidden from most of humanity by a veil of ignorance.”

He had written in his doctoral dissertation and repeated in a series of writings, the hoary fallacies could be shown to have essential truth within in them when interpreted scientifically-Astrology, alchemy, Oneiromancy (divination by dreams), divination. He then explained it through animal magnetism. Others who were also influenced by Mesmer were Samuel Hanneman founder of Homeopathy (New age medicine). Phineas B.Quimby who was also a mesmerist, he first attributed the power to Spirits for the use of this unknown energy but later said it was the mind. He healed Mary baker Eddy through this power who then became the founder of Christian Science a mind science Cult.

Helena Blavatsky the mediumistic founder of theosophy read Mesmer’s works which gave her a working foundation in mysticism. The evolution of this method went from calling it occult power to hypnosis. When looked at carefully there the differences are hardly noticeable. John Weldon in his book Psychic Forces and occult Shock records on pg.255 “In fact , no occult phenomenon found in Mesmerism is lacking in hypnosis.”…It appears that, in essence modern hypnotism is mesmerism. Martin Ebon, fairly well respected as an occult authority, even connects the two: “The Mesmeric, or hypnotic, trance bears a close resemblance to the mediumistic trance.” Mesmers activity could hardly be distinguished from what is transpiring in some of the charismatic wing of the Church today. “Mesmer marched about majestically in a pale lilac robe, passing his hands over patients bodies or touching them with a long iron wand. The results varied . some patients felt nothing at all, some felt as if insects were crawling over them, others were seized with hysterical laughter, convulsions or fits of hiccups. Some went into raving delirium, which was called “the crises” and was considered extremely healthful” (R. Cavendish, the magical arts RKP 1984 pg.180). What was described is people feeling good, uplifted, felt a release and had a sense of well being from the experience. Mesmer could actually be considered the father of modern “slain in the Spirit” experience, except that he was plainly an occultist. Imagine, the same conduct and results coming from non- Christians! Hmm.

Dr.Fritjof Capra a physics professor at Berkeley university and new age adherent says “Shamans used therapeutic techniques such as groups sharing psychodrama, dream analysis, suggestion, hypnosis, guided imagery{visualization} and psychotheraphy for centuries before they were rediscovered by modern psychologists. (The Turning Point p.337 1982)

By pursuing a blessing they have abandoned truth in place of a supernatural experience. This not a Biblical experience but can be a supernatural one. In so doing they have inadvertently become open to deception by accepting this without any testing. Mr. Hinn has been called a spirit fanatic by some, this is not something new . Martin Luther who began the reformation said that there were a certain group of preachers of his day who confuse their own spirit with the Holy Spirit “they think they have swallowed the Holy Ghost feathers and all.” John Calvin warned “the fanaticism which discards the scripture, under the pretense of resorting to immediate revelations is subversive of every principle in Christianity. For when they boast extravagantly of the Spirit the tendency is always to bury the word of God so they can make room for their own falsehood.”

People have succumb to the oldest charade, in their pursuit of a blessing they have abandoned truth in place of a supernatural experience without ever testing the source for Biblical proof. Does the Bible show people line up in a church service in a row and have the power dispersed from an anointed person. There are no conduits for his power, Jesus has and always will be the baptizer of the Holy Spirit we don’t need any other mediator. Jesus is our example. When Jesus was anointed, the Spirit came upon him as a dove, not as a wild animal like a rhinoceros.

Those who participate in this practice need to consider what they are really attributing to the Holy Spirit. There is no Biblical precedent for this and need to consider the source of the activity. We are not excluding that God cannot overwhelm someone with his presence, what needs to be questioned is when it becomes a normal practice in the church that represents the Spirits work.

Mr. Hinn has been called a spirit fanatic by some, this is not something new. Martin Luther who began the reformation said that there were a certain group of preachers of his day who confuse their own spirit with the Holy Spirit “they think they have swallowed the Holy Ghost feathers and all.” John Calvin warned “the fanaticism which discards the scripture, under the pretense of resorting to immediate revelations is subversive of every principle in Christianity. For when they boast extravagantly of the Spirit the tendency is always to bury the word of God so they can make room for their own falsehood.”

Truly the ancient words of the prophet Hosea ring true for us today, as it did then, “MY PEOPLE ARE DESTROYED FOR A LACK OF KNOWLEDGE, BECAUSE THEY HAVE REJECTED KNOWLEDGE” (Hosea 4:6)

When experience replaces Biblical knowledge, we have abandoned God’s standard. Knowledge can be painful when it corrects us, but it can cost much more to follow falsehood, which by its nature is easy to swallow and soothing to those who refuse the truth.

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