Today, 20 June, 2011, 10 hours ago | (The Ignorant Fishermen)
As of late, we have seen the world led by the United States seeking to strip Israel from it present day borders and bullying them into a forced agreement with those who absolutely abhor them and seek their utter destruction. Sadly, America (who is governed at the moment by the progress Left) has always been Israel’s strongest ally but at present has have forsaken Israel and have thrown them under the Middle East Islamic bus. With an anti-Israeli Europe and now a current anti-Israeli U.S. administration, Israel’s back is totally up against the wall and they know it.
"Sadly, America (who is governed at the moment by the progress Left) - has always been Israel’s strongest ally but at present has seem to have forsaken Israel and have thrown them under the Middle East Islamic bus"When the present world in which we are living in has become hostel and aggressive towards Israel, do not expect to see them idly stand by and let the world decide their fate and eradicate them from off of the face of the earth. Israel is a military might in that region with nukes and is armed to the teeth. As the world continues its anti-Semitic agenda they will one day choose to look the other way and allow Israel’s enemies in that region to grossly cross the line with Israel. It will be then that Israel - in the reaction of self defense and national survival - will finally strike back with great fury and military might. Israel will totally institute the Limbaugh Doctrine and secure their borders. They will obliterate and wipe out their border enemies unto the point that they will achieve finally complete safety and security (Ezek 38:8, Ezek 38:11-12). Israel will bring about their “own” peace and the world at that time will be forced to recognize it. It will be after this time that a man from Europe will broker a deal and lend his might to a covenant (peace treaty) on behalf of Israel’s greatly defeated enemies. This European leader will enter into a seven year covenant with Israel not from a position of dominance but rather from a secondary position of weakness (Dan. 9:27, Rev. 6:2).

As we are leading up to that time we are ever seeing Israel’s border enemies being ever more embolden to stir up strife and lash out against Israel. Just in this last month alone we have seen Israel’s border enemies seeking to bait and provoke Israel to engage them and rally world opinion and its leaders against them. Israel’s border enemies - especially the Palestinian people - sadly are nothing but the pawns and victims of the anti Semetic Arab nations, Iran and Russia. These weaker Islamic nations are more than willing to heed to these voices and are rapidly chomping at the bit to destroy Israel and occupy Israel’s land.
Connecting the Dots

"This revealing of the Anti-Christ and the commencement of this seven year tribulation period will begin when this man (i.e., the Anti-Christ) adds his position of great power and authority to a covenant with Israel on the behalf of Israel’s defeated enemies"

As these 3 ½ years go by, Israel and their hosts of unbelieving Jews will now begin to feel the chastening hand of Almighty God via Gog and Magog (Ezek. 38-39), the global ravishing of Satan’s hatred and the world’s wrath (Rev. 11:8) and the Abomination of Desolation (Matt. 24:15-17, 2 Thess. 2:8-13, Rev 13). As the Second Woe comes to a near completion, so also does the mighty Two Witnesses of Almighty God’s ministry and their protective hand over Israel. As their 1260 days are now fully accomplished, the Anti Christ will NOW own the next remaining 3 ½ years or 1260 days or 42 months of this tribulation period (Rev. 11:3; 13:1-5). As he breaks his covenant with Israel (Dan 9:27), he will violently murder Almighty God’s Two Witnesses. It will be this momentous event (the murder of Almighty God’s Two Witnesses) that a long awaited god hating, anti-Semitic ravished world will then with all their wretched being rejoice exceedingly at the Anti Christ’s victory and confess unto all, “Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him” (Rev. 11:8-10,13)? This one event will solidify the world's allegiance to the beast, to Lucifer and institute the 666 global state.

"The Messiah of Israel will come from Heaven glory and destroy the armies of the anti Christ which have gathered against Israel and then establish His glorious Kingdom reign for a thousand years in Jerusalem"
It will be at the end of all of these events (seven years to the exact day from the stregnthing of the covant) that Almighty God’s Son, the Messiah of Israel will come from Heaven glory and destroy the armies of the anti Christ which have gathered against Israel and then establish His glorious Kingdom reign for a thousand years in Jerusalem (Isa. 11:1-10, Micah 4:1-3, Zech 12:8-14, 13:1, 14:1-4, Rev. 1:7, 20:6). In these brief seven years, Israel will have come full circle. Finally, it will be during this time of great testing and horrific persecution by the gentile nations under the Anti Christ (Isa. 24:5-6, Zech. 13:8-9,12:9-7,13) that Israel will turn from their godless ways and receive their Messiah and Savior, the Lord Yeshua Messiah (Deut. 4:30, Isa.25:9, 45:17, Jer. 33:16, Zech. 12:8-14,13:1,9, Rom. 11:26). It will take the Divine judgment and the natural and super natural ravishing of planet earth and her godless inhabitants (Isa. 24:5-6, Matt. 24, Rev. 13) - which concludes with the final blood bath of the Battle of Armageddon (Zech. 12:2-4, 14:1-4, Rev. 16:13-16, Rev. 19:11-21) - to bring Israel to the place of repentance and deliverance (Isa. 25:9, Zech. 12:8-14, 13:1,9).

The TRUE Peace Comes to Jerusalem!
It will be ONLY by the Prince of Peace that TRUE and EVERLASTING PEACE will come to the City of Jerusalem (Isa. 9:6-7, 33:5, 53:5, 62;1, Jer. 33:16, Zech 8:3, Matt. 5:35, Rom. 10:2-4, Eph. 2:12-19, Col. 1:20, Heb. 1:3, 10:7-14). How many in vain through out the ages have sought and prayed in sincerity for the peace of Jerusalem WITHOUT knowledge nor understanding (Isa. 29:13, 58:1-8, Matt. 7:21-23, 15:3, 7-9, Mark 12:24)? Throughout the last 2600 years, how many sons of Abraham have totally missed the reality and truth of the Holy Scriptures of just how this Divine peace MUST be established (Deut. 9:6, 28-30,31:27, Lev. 26, Psalm 78, Isa. 53:5, Ezek. 12:2, Dan 9:26, Matt. 15:3-7-9, Luke 13:34-35, Acts 7, Rom. 9-11, Rev. 1:7)?
"Through out the last 2600 years, how many sons of Abraham have totally missed the reality and truth of the Holy Scriptures of just how this Divine peace MUST be established" My dear friend, please try to comprehend that ALL current global events are indeed heading to this destination and EXPONENTIALLY beyond (Rev. 19:11-21)! Remember the words of the Lord Jesus in which He specifically told His disciples to pray, “After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven (Matt. 6:9-10).” Oh my beloved! How many people pray this prayer day after day and are absolutely oblivious to what it is testifying to and stating! “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.”
It will indeed take the horrific seven year tribulation period to wake up the Jew and the gentile nations to this reality (Isa. 24:5-6, Rev. 6:14-17, 17:2).There is absolutely NO hope for Israel and the nations of the world apart for their Creator and Savior, Jesus Messiah (John 3:16-17, Eph. 2:12-16, Heb 1:2-3). It will NOT be until the Jew is reconciled with Jehovah God and receive their Messiah as their sacrificial lamb, propitiation and Savior that the nations WILL BE BLESSED (Isa. 2:1-4, 19:23-25, Micah 4:1-4, Zech. 8:23, Rom. 11:12) and TRUE DIVINE PEACE will go forth out of Jerusalem unto the entire world (Isa. 2:3-4,33:16, 62:1, Jer. 33:5)!
My friend, do you have a saving relationship to Jesus Messiah the Savior of the world (Psalm 110:1, Isa. 43:11,52:13-15, 53)? All depends on this very union. His death, burial and resurrection to the Right Hand of Almighty God is the centre piece of all ETERNITY (Gen. 22:8, Psalm 110:1, Isa. 53, 1 Cor. 15:1-4, Rev. 1:18,13:8, 22:1-5). He will indeed come back to establish His Kingdom on His earth and the gates of Hell shall not nor NEVER prevent this from happening (Dan. 2:44-45, 7:13-14, Rev. 1:7, 16:13-16, 19:11-21).
As the days grow nearer to the Day of the Lord be sure that you know the Savior and Messiah of Israel as dictated by the Holy Scriptures!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!As the days grow nearer to the Day of the Lord be sure that you know the Savior and Messiah of Israel as dictated by the Holy Scriptures!
See also:
Rapture Alert! Make Sure You don't Left Behind
What Will You Do If You Are Left Behind?
After the Rapture
The Tribulation