Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Jordan to Soon Sever ties with Israel!

Jordan to Soon Sever ties with Israel! By Bill Salus

With Arab protests sweeping throughout the Middle East, many pundits are pondering the fate of Jordan. Will the Jordanian government collapse alongside Tunisia’s, Yemen's, and Egypt’s? Interestingly, Jordan can be found in end time’s bible prophecy. If the prophecies centered on Jordan are about to find fulfillment, then the best days of the Hashemite Kingdom are behind it.

Someday Jordan will break ties with Israel. It’s simply a matter of time according to Psalm 83:6-8. Making matters worse, Jordan will befriend Israel’s worst enemies in the process. Rather than calling on America and the west at the time of dire need, Psalm 83 predicts they will call on Assyria, which incorporates modern day Syria and Iraq.

Syria is already a proxy of Iran’s and Iraq has been inclined to become one ever since the summer 2010 U.S. troop withdrawal. Thus, allegiance with Syria, Iraq, and by proxy, Iran, appears to be Jordan’s prophetic endgame.

Psalm 83:6-8 lists a group of ten Arab populations that will someday confederate in a final attempt to destroy the state of Israel. The goal of the confederacy is to wipe Israel off of the map and set up one last Arab state called Palestine. Jordan is identified inside the list of nations as Edom, Moab, and Ammon. Their modern day equivalents are showcased inside the image.

To Jordan’s credit, it appears the Arab nation possibly gets drawn into the war with Israel reluctantly rather than voluntarily. Psalm 83:8 tells us that Jordan is one of the weaker members of the confederacy.

Assyria also has joined with them; They have helped the children of Lot.” (Psalm 83:8 nkjv)

Asaph, the Psalmist informs us the children of Lot who were Moab, the eldest, and Ammon require assistance in the war effort. They need Assyrian military support. The Hebrew word used for “helped” is zeroa and means forces, power, might, strong arm or shoulder and / or strength. Loosely translated the verse reads Assyria has joined the Psalm 83:6-8 confederacy and become a strong shoulder of military support for Jordan. Note that Assyria’s military support is only given to Jordan. This suggests the other Psalm 83 confederates are not lacking in strength at the time.

In 2010, King Abdullah II of Jordan warned on several occasions that the Middle East was on the verge of war. He told the Chicago Tribune in April, 2010 “The chance of conflict is always very high. War would be disastrous for the Israelis, for the Arabs, for all of us. If we hit the summer and there's no active (peace) process, there's a very good chance for conflict.” When a summertime war was averted he suggested in September 2010 that it could still occur by the end of 2010. The point he was making on both occasions is a Middle East war could break out at any time.

In December of 2010, King Abdullah II met with Iranian President Ahmadinejad in a rare meeting to improve bilateral relations between the two nations. One month later in January of 2011, he phoned Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to alert him of his concerns about Iran’s clandestine goals for the Middle East. The Jordanian King warned Netanyahu that Iran aims to form a Shia Crescent inside the Fertile Crescent.

Then in February of 2011 due to protests inside of Jordan, King Abdullah sacked his government in order to avoid escalating protests inside his homeland. King Abdullah’s recent pinball reactions remind us of “Humpty Dumpty’s” sad tale. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall and all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty together again.

Jordan is the fish out of water in the Middle East. If Egypt falls then Jordan will likely soon follow. Egypt’s and Jordan’s treaties with Israel are earning them billions of dollars of American aid. However, many Egyptians and Jordanians are ready to throw their peace treaties out with the baby’s bath water. Even King Abdullah said in 2010 that his country’s economy was better off before his father made peace with Israel in 1994.

If Psalm 83 is racing full speed ahead upon humanity’s horizon, then Mideast events are going to heat up rather than cool down. Understanding the low ranking status and primary purposes of the Jordanian Armed Forces (JAF) sheds light on their need for military support in Psalm 83.

On the Southern Front of Psalm 83 is the Egyptian army that is world ranked at number #17 with an active military personnel strength of 450,000 and active reserves of 254,000. This doesn’t include Hamas units with about 10,000 personnel located out of Gaza and untold scores of Qassam and other assorted rockets, some of which Hamas boasted in 2010 could reach Tel Aviv.

On the Northern Front of Psalm 83 there is Syria, Lebanon, and Hezbollah inside of Lebanon. Syria’s army is world ranked at #34 and has active military of personnel of 296,000 and active military reserve of 132,500. Additionally, many experts believe Saddam Hussein transported his weapons of mass destruction into Syria prior to America’s invasion of Iraq in 2003. Lastly, Syria is thought to have the most advanced scud missiles in the world.

Lebanon’s army is world ranked at #42. Their active military personnel number about 72,000 as of 2008. Hezbollah units in Lebanon have about 1,000 active personnel and reserves estimated at 6,000 to 10,000, and according to Netanyahu has 60,000 rockets. Additionally, in April of 2010 Syria reportedly supplied Hezbollah with scud missiles.

The Eastern Front of Psalm 83 consists of Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Jordan. The Saudi army is world ranked at #24 and consists of 124,000 active military personnel with an additional estimated 20,000 reservists. Additionally, the Saudis are attempting to procure $60 billion in arms from America and 2 nuclear weapons from Pakistan.

Information about Iraq’s army and arsenal is difficult to access due to its burgeoning relationship with Iran. Much like Hezbollah, Syria, and Hamas, some military analysts suggest Iran is covertly arming the pro-Iranian factions inside Iraq with advanced weapons as well. It appears Iraq is world ranked at #37. They have a relatively new US-trained Army of about 100,000 soldiers with zero reserves and a goal to reach a 200,000-man force. It remains an Army under construction.

The Jordanian Armed Forces (JAF) has descended from the 1940's era British-led "Arab Legion." This force is purely defensive in nature and thus lacks any ranking among the world's armies. The JAF active military personnel number about 100,500 and reserves are estimated at 70,000. Their military mission objectives are to defend:

1) The borders of the Hashemite Kingdom,
2) The people within the Hashemite Kingdom,
3) The reigning Monarch.

This means the JAF is a combat ineffective force at best because as a whole it is not designed for and does not train for offensive operations of the type that Psalm 83 has declared will occur. The Jordanian's receive U.S. Army assistance of a technical and hardware nature which is overwhelmingly orientated toward defensive command and control (C2).

Therefore, it is of little prophetic wonder that Israel will literally conquer most of Jordan as a result of the Psalm 83 war, as confirmed by the prophecy in Jeremiah 49:2. Even with the assistance of Syrian and Iraqi forces the Jordanians will lose against Israel. Furthermore, America has taught the new Iraqi military a lot in counter insurgency (COIN) and defensive operations, rather than how to go on the offense against another nation state.

Lastly, we can’t forget the Palestinian Authority, a/k/a “Palestine,” is a lightly armed paramilitary police force known as the “Palestinian National Security Forces” organized into 10 battalions and trained by the U.S. in Jordan.”

In contrast to their Psalm 83 enemies, the Israeli Defense Forces are world ranked at
#11 and their active and reserve forces in Israel number about 600,000 with another 2.8
million immediately available for military service. These additional reserves include
those with prior service and / or some partial training.

Suffice it to say, Israel is outnumbered, outmanned, outgunned, and needs divine
empowerment when it comes time to face off with the Psalm 83 confederacy. In my
book Isralestine, The Ancient Blueprints of the Future Middle East, I describe the
prelude, event, and aftermath of this climatic concluding Arab-Israeli battle.

*** Military specifics above and JAF comments provided by Sean Osborne of the Northeast
Intelligence Network. The Information was primarily collected from the U.S. Library of
Congress; Central Intelligence Agency, GlobalSecurity.Org, and Wikipedia. Sean Osborne’s
web/blogsite is

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

There’s No Way Out Unless You Walk Heaven’s Trail…

There’s No Way Out Unless You Walk Heaven’s Trail…
Yesterday, 11 May, 2011, 7:41:56 PM (The Ignorant Fishermen)

As this world in which we live in today is spiraling frantically out of control, what hope is there at all for its doomed inhabitants? The reality is that this world and its inhabitants are at the end of its course. You know there's nothing like the real world to get one down. There's nothing like the world outside that turns one's world upside down. It makes one feel like they're heading down a one-way, dead-end street.

We are indeed headed down a one way dead end street. Not to rain on any body's parade but... we are at the end of the age with Divine judgment just ahead (Matt 13:26-30, Mark 13:28-30). No subjective delusional optimistic appraisal can make these sobering realities disappear. What are we to do?

"Adam and Eve in all their wildest dreams could NEVER have imagined the horrific consequences that would result that day by opening "Pandora's Box" in the Garden of Eden"

All of the world's accumulated technology and knowledge that we have acquired over the last 6000 years has only made us extremely more violent and oppressive. Time and technology have only served to show and reveal the absolute depravity and hopeless state and condition of man (Gen. 6:5, Isa. 53:6, Jer. 17:9, Romans 1:18-32). Adam and Eve in all their wildest dreams could NEVER have imagined the horrific consequences that would result that day by opening "Pandora's Box" in the Garden of Eden (Gen 3). Their trespass and violation against Almighty God's natural and ETERNAL absolutes had all the horrific effects of a 100 mega ton bomb (Isa. 24:4-6). So savage and violent had the pre- flood world become after Adam’s transgression that Almighty God wiped it out via the Genesis flood except Noah and his family (Gen 6:1-13). Is the hour and day in which we live in any different then Noah's day? So violent and corrupted have we – the inhabitants of planet earth - become that we as a world are now at the very door of the Day of the Lord as Almighty God has spoken of (Matt 24, Mark 13:28-30, 2 Tim 3:1-7). What makes anyone think that they can escape the coming wrath of Almighty God? We have exponentially transgressed His natural laws, we have exponentially violated His spiritual ETERNAL absolutes, and we have sown our own godless way and have reaped the horrific consequences. It is this horrific reaping that has led us to this very moment in time (Isa. 24: 4-6, Gal 5:19-21, 6:7-8).

Biblical Objectivity

Try to stand back and objectively look at the span of time here on earth; from the Tower of Babel with its global catalyst of godlessness and passion to live an existence with out Almighty God, to the worldly brilliance and idolatrous society of Egypt. From the autocratic power of the Babylonians, to the strength of the Media Persians Empire. From the conquering speed and philosophy of Greece, to the decadent and oppressive Roman Empire. From the genus and barbarity of the Aztec, Mayans and Incas, to the godless vacuum of the European nations and lust for war. All of these civilizations have been one GODLESS, violent, decadent and oppressive cesspool of death and horror to the world's inhabitants (Rom. 1:18-32). Almighty God describes some of these global empires as ferocious wild beasts to help us better understand them from a heavenly perspective (Dan 7, Rev 13:1-2). My friend what is most astounding is that we haven’t evened peaked as a fallen race until we reached the 20th century. There has NEVER been a more violent, murderous, oppressive, narcissistic and decadent century in the history of mankind. All of our world’s exponential technological advances made in this last century has given the world more power at their finder tips to show forth the fallen godless passions and violence of the human heart (Jer. 17:9). Of course we have had some noble occasions and humanitarian exploits through out this time, but these are but a faded blip and pale exponentially in comparison to mankind’s history of violence, lust and decadence (Rom 3:3-23). The out working and horrific consequences from the billions that have inhabited planet earth since Babel have completely ravished and laid waste the lands and the world's inhabitants. The godless Babelology that first raised its head 4200 years ago (Gen 11:1-9), has thoroughly engulfed and saturated the world. This Babelology has made spiritually stinking drunk its billions of inhabitants (from Babel to present- 4200 years) to the crucial realities of time and eternity (Eph. 2:1-3, Rev 17:1-2, 18:24).

"All of our world’s technological advances have exponentially given the world more power at their finger tips to show forth the fallen godless passions of our heart"

Even America, which was founded during the Philadelphia Church Age (from about 1700 to about 1900 – the church of the “open door” – Rev 3:7-13), was established on the bedrock of natural and moral laws and foremost acknowledged the Person of Almighty God. America was founded at the end of the world’s time line which spans about 4200 years. Just in these brief 235 years of our nation's history we have reached socially and culturally the point of no return. There has been no other nation in the world's history that has sent out the Biblical Gospel light as America has. America has been a beacon of freedom to the worlds oppressed and has been a global dam holding back the world’s anti-Semitism, oppressive tyrannies and the unbridled passions of fallen despots, especially in this last century. Let me ask you this very sobering question, “What do you think will become of the world once America restraining influence has been removed from the scene?” The very sobering answer is... GREAT tribulation and global anti -Semitism (Zech 14:2, Rev 6-16).

It‘s All Been Tried

Through the 6000 years of recorded world history countless forms of ruling classes have established governments dominated by their godless unbridled ideologies (Rev. 17:2). All of these nations have used Babel's blueprint in establishing their own delusional culture and systems. Out of all of these earthly (carnal) sensual ideologies (1 Cor. 2:14, 3:19, James 3:15) have sprung forth a vast spectrum of oppressive and damnable religions (spiritual philosophies), totalitarianism, fascism, socialism, oppressive dictatorships and despots, monarchies, democracies, republic’s etc... ALL, of which have met their end because of decadence or violence. The ones that remain today are on the verge of collapse. What hope is there at all for the future of the world's inhabitants when all of the world's kingdoms are nothing but oppressive and violent destroyers? The sane answer is an obvious NONE, absolutely NONE. Without Almighty God’s outside intervention (John 3:16-17, Gal 1:4) mankind will eventually make its self extinct. Mankind has repeatedly beat its drum to many different tunes patterned after the Babel blueprint and all have been disastrous (Rom. 1:18-32, Rev 17:1-2,5, 18:24).

There is absolutely NO HOPE or WAY OUT of our temporal earthly confines and our un-regenerated fallen human state and condition (Rom. 5:12-19, 7:24-25, 1 Cor. 15:21-22). There are many voices and trails that lead to ruin, but there is only one trail that will lead us to a place of deliverance and redemption. That heavenly trail leads to Almighty God and His Son Jesus Christ. It is by FAITH alone that we look objectively outside of ourselves and choose to believe Almighty God and His unchangeable Word and promises (Mark 11:22, 2 Cor. 1:20, Titus 1:2, Heb. 11:1, 6). When we do, we will be set free delivered and set free from the oppressive bonds of this world and have access to Heaven's domain (Eph 1:3,Col 3:1-2).

My friend, there is absolutely no way out, no way out of this living hell, no way, no way out unless we walk Heaven’s trail.

Heaven’s Trail Leads To Eternal Life!

Almighty God has provided the solution, remedy and trail for Adam’s fallen race to follow. He promised Adam and Eve at the beginning that “the seed of the women would crush the head of the serpent (Gen 3:15, Rom. 5:12-19, Heb. 2:14-15, Rev 21:1-7)”. This theme of God’s saving grace and redemption is the life giving line that flows through out the entire Bible. God has provided a Savior (John 3:16-17, Acts 4:12, 1 John 4:14, 2 Peter 1:1)! There is a Lamb slain from before the foundation of the world (1 Peter 1:19-20, Rev 13:8)! There is a narrow heavenly trail that leads to ETERNAL LIFE and REDEMPTION with Almighty God (Matt 7:13-14, John 14:6, 1 Cor. 1:30)!

Jesus stated, Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it (Matt.7:13-14).

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me (John 14:6).

I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture (John 10:9).

Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this? (John 11:25-26)

My friend have your eyes been opened to the horrific realities and conditions of the very hour in which we live in and you find yourself with absolutely NO answers or solutions? There is absolutely NO human remedy. There is absolutely NO human solution for the growing exponential global crisis of our day. No delusional optimistic human appraisal can give you the answers or solutions that you are so desperately looking for or need to give your heart the consolation that it is seeking. My friend with America on the verge of social collapse and anarchy before us, what is one to do?

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you (Matt 6:33)"

My friend, the world needs to wake up and smell the coffee and let 6000 years of human history testify to it of our desperate need for our Creator and Savior (Heb 1:2-3). Time will not go on forever. A Day of reckoning has been foretold by Almighty God in which all will give and account (Rev 20:11-15). Eternity is where each one of us will abide forever. Our future destiny is not to be found in this temporal fallen world.

Do you know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior? It is ONLY through Him alone that we can be delivered from this present evil world (John 3:16-17, 1 Cor. 7:31, Gal 1:4, 1 John 2:17)! Jesus Christ is God's Heavenly trail that will deliver us from this living hell here on planet earth and the Lake of Fire which is to come (Rev. 20:11-15).

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


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