Sunday, March 6, 2011

BiblicalProphecies and World Affairs

“I Will Set Egyptians Against Egyptians” A Simulation-Scenario Analysis
                          Dr.Lawrence Prabhakar Williams* Sunday, February 6, 2011

What is currently happening in Egypt--particularly in the Sinai-Gaza corridor is stealthy infiltration of the Hizbullah into Gaza while an exchange of the Hamas backed by the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) into Egypt. The Rafah Crossing is no longer manned by the Egyptian Border Police and the Egyptian army is fully focused in the internal cauldron. That leaves the Egyptian-Gaza-Israeli border open for all kinds of infiltration and stealthy buildup by the Hizbullah in collusion with the Hamas;

The Iranians are also around the place since their small-boat navy is doing its exercises in the Mediterranean. I suppose the Israeli Navy is also watching out for them in the region. Particularly vulnerable is the Suez that could have some kind of "maritime spectacular" orchestrated by the radicals as Egypt is roiling in this cauldron. If the Suez region is vulnerable then it heightens the vulnerability of maritime and naval shipping into and out of the region including US and Western naval carrier and expeditionary task forces. The last time a US Carrier expeditionary and strike group moved along the Canal; there was an impressive lineup of the Egyptian armed forces besides Egyptian naval craft in pilot positions in the Canal.

So the turbulence that is now engulfing Mubarak and his regime has all the fine print of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) who are obviously "masquerading" as reformists--hijacking the reformist agenda lacing it with radical ideas that presently are subtly camouflaged.

In Phase-I The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) that is at work with its street-savvy and reformist masquerade garb is all set to:

a) Unseat the Mubarak strongman regime;

b) Outmaneuver the El-Baradei group that may be the genuine reformist face of Egypt--orchestrating their usual assasinations;

c) Ride on the chaos (along the pathways of how the Khomeini Group overwhelmed Shah Reza Pahalvi of Iran-- ousting him--(thanks to the insipid and arrogantly idiotic Jimmy Carter) and then they had Abolhassan Banisadr take over and then they overwhelmed him--culminating in America's most infamous 52 US diplomatic personnel held hostage for 444 days by the Khomeini gang--of one of those ring leaders is the current Mahmoud Ahmadinejad);---- a possible seizure of US and Western diplomatic missions could be an eventuality--triggering US and Western naval-Special Operations Forces intervention--albeit requiring Israeli logistical and intelligence support;

I would not surprised if the Iranians had already slipped in their covert agents into Egypt to catalyze the overthrow of the Mubarak regime (Since Egypt is the only credible Sunni Arab military power that could stand up against the expanding Shiite Empire of "Iranistan" "Bill Salhus's conception")-- With Egypt gone, the rest of the Sunni Arab world would be as what Isaiah writes to describe Egypt in Isaiah 19:16 as " shall be afraid and fear because of the shaking of the hand of the LORD of hosts..." even as Egypt shivers; the rest of the Sunni Arab world would freeze;

Again, the terror is also induced since the "apparent" military balance of power shifts irrevocably to Israel (Egypt despite the Peace Treaty with Israel has been hostile) and so if this force (Egypt) is gone; the rest of Psalm 83 war coalition partners are already alarmed; what is left is Syria (under the Shiite "Iranistan") Lebanon (effectively the proxy and stooge of the Iranians with Hizbullah reigning strong and that leaves Jordan (Petra) and Saudi Arabia (the Ishmaelites);

In Phase II a Muslim Brotherhood (MB) dominated Egypt would join hands with the Hamas,Hizbullah, Syria (backed by Iran) and the cascade of similar MB and Hizbullah inspired revolt jolting Jordan (Moab and Edom) would commence their siege on Israel with a sharp escalation of their attacks on Israel (given the comfort to them of the loss of the Mubarak regime that hitherto was an American ally --"stooge") thus setting the stage for Psalm 83. With no Egyptian control on the Gaza-Egyptian corridor; the Suez security being compromised; Israel's southern flank would be exposed inasmuch as it Northern Theatre with Lebanon-Syria;

Phase-III would see the trigger of the prophesied events of Psalm 83--->Isaiah 17----->Jeremiah 49 unfold--even as the Shiite regime in Teheran would initiate missile strikes with Iranian military advisors and the IRGC (Iranian Revolutionary Guards Council) in tow in Lebanon--coordinating with a joint Hamas-Hizbullah attack from Gaza with Egyptian regime Muslim Brotherhood regime/ or MB dominated regime in Cairo (the Hizbullah-Lebanon style of governance) in collusion opening for Israel a 360 degree "War without Fronts" with redlines crossed by the introduction of Chemical-Biological warheads on Israel (Isaiah 17:4-6) destroying Israel's agricultural produce--thus setting the "crossing the redlines of deterrence" that compels Israel to resort to the nuclear strike on Damascus; It is possible with the Israeli nuclear arsenal coming out from its recessed deterrence to its ready arsenal; Israel's 400+ nuclear warhead arsenal is plentifully available for both battlefield strikes using Tactical Nuclear Weapons and particularly its Neutron Warheads (Enhanced Radiation Reduced Blast) on the asymmetric enemy; besides Israel also has Particle Beam weapons/ Plasma weaponry that is unleashed on its adversaries with impunity (Obadiah 1:14-18)

Isaiah 19 follows Isaiah 17 and therefore it could be presumed (my assumption--since the Chapter is chronically arranged) that Israel's "escalatory response" commences with Hizbullah-Hamas-Lebanon-Syria--overrunning Jordan--striking Northwest Saudi Arabia and then turns to Southeast to strike Egypt.

Isaiah 19:17 points the "....And the land of Judah shall be a terror unto Egypt...." (southern part of Israel--geographically adjacent to the Egyptian mainland--and the Israeli Southern Theatre Command of its forces are based with Eilat as its naval port) (By the way, the Southern Command has its operational jurisdiction from the Yishai River in the north until the Taba Pass in the south, from Taba until the Rafah coast in the north) would see the massed IDF (Israeli Defence Forces) and its air power deployed in full strength along with the Navy in battle stations in the Mediterranean even perhaps taking positions along the Suez since Israel needs the Suez for its deployment along the Iranian Coast-specially the Dolphin class submarines armed with Israel's Popeye Turbo Cruise missiles with nuclear warheads that stabilizes israel’s nuclear strike capability against Iran/ Elam/Persia)

It is also possible that Israel could launch a pre-Psalm 83 war operations, a combined arms air-land-sea expeditionary operations crippling and effectively neutralizing the Egyptian operational capabilities that could be used against Israel—that could also be the imputing of the essence of Isaiah 19:17 "....And the land of Judah shall be a terror unto Egypt....".

In a striking similarity, the run-up to the forthcoming Psalm 83Isaiah 17--à Jeremiah 49 War Prophecies has all the imprint of the events that were prevalent prior to the overwhelmingly victorious war that Israel won in the Six Day War, June 1967

What I have narrated above is a scenario-simulation analysis that is inspired by Biblical Prophecies !
* Dr Lawrence Prabhakar Williams affirms his faith and conviction on the indispensable primacy of Biblical Prophecy in world affairs. The author is an academic and policy research analyst; Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Madras Christian College, Chennai, India; Visiting Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology-Madras, Chennai, India. The author specializes in Defence-strategic affairs, nuclear and missile issues, maritime security and Grand strategy studies.

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