Thursday, March 3, 2011

Todd Bentley: Writing his own Bible

Todd Bentley: Writing his own Bible

In the following video, you will see Todd Bentley, Jeff Hansen, and Jason Hooper commission and ordain a married couple by the name of Michael and Amanda Krysty, who recently finished a Burning Ones internship with Todd Bentley and Fresh Fire Ministries.

What is so odd is that Bentley is commissioning and ordaining them as associates of…..himself….. Todd Bentley. I never knew a person needed to be ordained for that, did you? To clear up any confusion as to what is meant, Bentley explains that as a result of this ordination/commissioning process, the Krystys are coming under his covering.

As is to be expected from anything Bentley and others at Fresh Fire/MorningStar do, there is a lot of twitching and jerking going on. Bentley describes Michael and Amanda Krysty as “true lightning rod revivalists,” and upon hearing this, as if right on cue, Mr. Krysty’s head begins wagging and he begins to twitch.

Bentley starts the ritual by saying, ”Michael….shama…. tell me one word, burning ones.” In response, Mr. Krysty says, “Fire,” and his wife says, “Englightenment.”

Afterwards Bentley says, “Here’s what we’re gonna do, we’re gonna commission them. I’m gonna give them a Holy Ghost charge, and then Jeff, me, Jason, my wife, Jessa, we’re gonna lay hands on them all and just bless ‘em…

He then says, “We’re gonna go from what I call a commissioning to an ordination.” By this time, there is plenty of wagging and twitching on stage. Bentley continues, “We’re gonna go from the commissioning, Burning Ones class 2010, to the ordination of two associates, revivalists and power evangelists. Clearly the power of God is on them already……”

Now, I want to stop here and say that the next statement Bentley makes is the whole reason I’m taking the time to link up this video and transcribe parts of it. This is what Bentley said……

Todd Bentley says with a chuckle: “And, of course, we don’t do anything decently and in order at Fresh Fire Ministries.” (emphasis mine)

Did you catch that? Did anything come to mind when you read that? Perhaps, maybe, a Bible verse?

Normally I would give you an entire litany of reasons why this statement reveals just one of the many reasons why Bentley does not represent nor teach God’s Word. However, I’ll leave off and just show you what the Bible says. When admonishing the Corinthian church in the proper administration of the spiritual gifts, the apostle Paul said:

1 Corinthians 14:40:
                               "Let all things be done decently and in order."

A literal reading of that verse contradicts Bentley, but more importantly, it’s Bentley who directly and flagrantly contradicts Scripture.

A disturbing facet of false doctrine is the power people give to the deceiver teaching it. As shown, Todd Bentley has such a hypnotic hold on his followers that he can flat out speak the opposite of Scripture, word for word, and get away with it. His followers eat it up, swallow it, and continue to follow him. I can’t help but wonder if any of the people who heard this that night had a check in their heart. Did their mind flip through the pages of Scripture and remember that 1 Corinthians 14:40 says, “Let things be done decently and in order?” If so, how long did it take before they pushed it out of their mind and disregarded it?

As Bentley continues, he speaks over the Krystys and with a big “BAM,” says he is going to send them out as Holy Ghost wrecking machines for Jesus. Don’t bother looking for that in the Bible – you won’t find it there.

Bentley closes by encouraging viewers to pray about having the Krystys in their church and then says, “They’ll be here, rolling around in the floor.” Yes, that’s exactly what I look for in a minister (sarcasm).

This is perverse.

When Jesus commissioned the disciples, He told them He was sending them out to make disciples of all nations. But, what kind of disciples is Todd Bentley making? While he and his friends are rolling around in the floor getting a giant snoot-full of the deceiving spirit which has them bound, many are looking on and watching. Some will see this and be seduced by it. Some will see it and believe this represents all Christians, and thereby be repulsed by Christianity and its message of salvation. But, thank God, there is still a remant in the church who refuse to bow to false doctrine and will steadfastly stand on the Word of Truth in these days of darkness. To them I say, “Continue to fight the good fight of faith!”

Posted on January 25, 2011 by Chrystal Whitt

See also:

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Eight Reasons Not To Be Optimistic About Egypt

Today, March 02, 2011, 10 hours ago
Jewish World Review March 1, 2011 / 25 Adar I, 5771
Eight Reasons Not To Be Optimistic About Egypt
By Dennis Prager

Judaism: The Jewish site
From the moment the Tahrir Square demonstrations against Hosni Mubarak began, optimism has dominated American reporting and commentary on what is being called the Egyptian revolution.

I fervently hope I am wrong, but I find it hard to share this dominant view, even as I identify with all those Egyptians and other Arabs who yearn for freedom.

I offer eight good reasons for my pessimism:

1. Countries almost never go straight from dictatorship to liberty.

For the past 250 years, the general rule of revolutions has been this: The more tyrannical the regime that is overthrown, the more tyrannical the regime that replaces it. Though post-Soviet Eastern European countries might seem to invalidate this rule, they do not. The reason Poland, Romania, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Bulgaria became more or less free countries almost immediately after overthrowing communist dictatorships is that all those dictatorships were imposed from abroad (the Soviet Union). When a country overthrows a homemade dictator, it rarely replaces him with a free society. The French Revolution replaced the French monarchy with revolutionary terror. The Russian Revolution replaced the autocratic Russian czar with totalitarian commissars.

2. When pro-American dictators are overthrown, far more repressive anti-American tyrants usually replace them.

In 1959, the pro-American Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista was overthrown and replaced by an anti-American communist totalitarian state under Fidel Castro. Most Cubans had far more freedom under Batista than under Castro. In 1979, the pro-American Shah of Iran dictatorship was overthrown and replaced by a far less free, far more repressive, virulently anti-American Islamic tyranny.

3. Islamists have a near-monopoly on passion in Egypt and elsewhere in the Arab world.

In politics, passion matters. That is why small impassioned groups can dominate a more passive majority of a country. And in Egypt, no group or cause has nearly the passion that the Islamists have.

4. Neither liberty nor tolerance has roots in the Arab world.

It is very hard, perhaps impossible, to plant the trees of liberty and tolerance in soil that has never grown them. And if these trees are planted, they are likely to take many years to grow.

5. People have been trained to depend on the state.

In addition to political obstacles, there are economic and psychological ones. Most Egyptians and other Arabs have known no economic life other than reliance on the state. In order to foster liberty, the state must shrink. But if the state shrinks, so do government subsidies for food and so do the number of state employees. Even assuming Egyptians' yearnings for liberty were more intense than their yearning for an Islamist state, in order to make a free country, Egyptians would have to wean themselves off of dependence on the state. That is almost unheard of — see Madison, Wis., to see how difficult it is even in a prosperous, free, First World country.

6. The American media have been hiding the bad guys.

You have not been getting the whole truth about Tahrir Square. To this day, the print edition of The New York Times has not reported the sexual assault on Lara Logan, the chief CBS TV foreign correspondent, by 200 Egyptian men in Tahrir Square yelling "Jew, Jew" while they assaulted her. CBS News itself did not report on the incident until others exposed it. Likewise, few mainstream news media have reported or shown the depictions of Mubarak as an Israeli agent or attacks on other Western news teams accused of being agents of Israel.

7. Getting closer to Iran

In one of its first actions after taking over control of the Egyptian government, the Egyptian army allowed two Iranian warships to sail through the Suez Canal for the first time since the Iranian revolution. If that is not a bad sign, nothing is.

8. Egypt is saturated with Jew and Israel hatred.

Finally, and arguably most significantly, Egypt and the rest of the Arab world have been swimming in a sea of Jew and Israel hatred for decades. Historically, anti-Semitism has been a perfect predictor of a society that will cause others problems and that will eventually self-destruct. The preoccupation with destroying Israel has been the single greatest obstacle to Arab countries joining the modern world. No Arab progress will be possible until the Arab world gives up its obsession with Israel's disappearance.

Against these eight powerful reasons, we read about individual Egyptians who are sick of dictatorship and yearn for freedom. Such wonderful people also lived in Cuba in 1959, and in Iran in 1979. They usually end up in prison.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Tossing Glory Grenades by Dr. Orrel Steinkamp

The title comes from a spectacle I witnessed on God TV from the Lakeland Outpouring and the Todd Bentley Meetings. On this night it was a little more than Bentley imploring for people to come up and get "some glory", or "Come and get a drink of the glory of God." In fact at this particular meeting there was a stand in for Bentley. I don't know his name and don't know how I could get it. People I guess weren't coming down so he began tossing glory bombs to people in the front rows who on cue would fall and stagger. The speaker would quickly mm his back apparently to avoid the blast of the explosion of glory. Why he would avoid the supposed explosion of glory is odd. This tangible packaging of the glory as a product to be tossed around seems reprehensible.

In this network of hyper-charismatic practitioners there is an oscillation of what they refer to as the "anointing" and the "glory." Perhaps beginning with Benny Hinn, all of these visible purported displays of power such as all the versions of what is referred to as "slaying in the Spirit", blowing people over and fanning a spirit on people are purported to be a special anointing given to specially endowed personalities. Conversely, in the Scriptures anointing is preeminently a reference to Jesus as the Messiah, which in Hebrew means "the anointed one." Beyond that, all believers already have an anointing. "I write these things to you about those who are trying to deceive you. But the anointing from him (Jesus) abides in you." (1 John 2:27). In the new covenant there is no longer the anointing of Kings as in the OT. There is no teaching about specially anointed ones. Ordinary believers receive "spiritual gifts" given as the Holy Spirit determines, for special occasions and needs. These gifts are dispersed by the Spirit "for edification, encouragement and consolation" for Body life. (1Cor.14:3). There is no suggestion of special practitioners and stage personalities performing purported Christian versions of stage magic and hypnotism.

These hyper-charismatic specialists in addition to allegedly dispensing the Holy Spirit at their will and calling it '~the anointing." also claim to dispense the "glory of God." As the Holy Spirit dispenses and gives spiritual gifts at the Spirit's control, these specialists purport to have domesticated and packaged God's glory and they assert they can give God's glory to others at their will. To be able to do this implies that the glory of God is under their control. It arrogantly implies they can command the glory of God and God's glory is their possession to give.

The word glory in the OT is based on a number of Hebrew words. One Hebrew word kabab has a base meaning of "heavy." This word actually refers to honor, reputation, majesty, beauty ahd fame. Ones honor fame and power is considered heavy as opposed to being light and lacking in honor and praise. It has no reference to certain people saying that while in an altered state they actually feel a heaviness. Actually this feeling of heaviness is a characteristic of people under hypnosis. But "glory" in the scriptures points to praise, fame and honor. It is something people can give to God. Man can give "praise" (glory) to God, But this refers to "glory" which originates with man. This must be sharply distinguished from God's Glory He has in himself...

In the NT man can also ascribe (honor/glory) to God. "Do all to the glory (fame and honor) of God" ( 1Cor.10:31). But God's own personal Glory, which belongs to Him, is totally different than mans glory. God himself declared that "He will not give His glory to another." Even Moses himself was rebuked when he asked to see God's glory, and was placed in a cleft of a rock as God's glory passed by. God in this instance describes His glory as His goodness. In the OT God would choose when and how he would display His glory, whether in the Holy of Holies or other expressions of God's glory. But always God's glory was His Glory and Man could not control it or predict it. God's glory belongs to His sovereign person and He will not share His glory with another. It cannot be dispensed as mans possession to give to another man. In the NT the same distinction avails. Man can give man's honor and praise and glory to God. But God's personal sovereign glory belongs to God alone. More specifically glory relates to God's Son in the days of His flesh. John 1:14 declares, "And we have seen His glory, glory as of the only Son of God.' At Jesus' transfiguration the three apostles "beheld the glory of God." But again it was an event under God's sovereign will. Later Jesus return to heaven is described as Jesus "entering into His glory."(Lk. 24:26). Jesus looks forward to the time when His disciples can behold His glory in heaven. (John 17:24). Finally Jesus glory will be displayed on the day and the hour Jesus returns, "when He comes in the Glory of His Father" (Mk 8:38).

To play around with God's glory is not a light matter rather it is heavy with judgment. In fact it could be dangerous because whatever kind of altered state experience is being tossed around can hardly be God's personal sovereign glory. To claim to take possession of, take control of and dispense God's glory by a mere man is rebellion, for God will not share His personal glory with any mortal.

Patricia King an Extreme Prophet

I feel free to call her an extreme prophet because she has named her ministry and website "Extreme Prophetic." After listening to some of her prophesies, I would have to say she underestimates her ministry when she uses the term "Extreme Prophetic." Patricia Krug is married to Ron Cocking. Her headquarters in Kalewna BC Canada and Phoenix. Until recently she was known as Pat Cocking. She relates that God called her to change her to CoKing, which she later, however, changed to her maiden name King. In an interview with Steve Schultz of the Elijah list she related her pre-Christian life. Apparently, in her early 20's she became despondent and entered the occult world. While she was hospitalized she had her first vision, a vision of satan. But then there was a peaceful presence in the room, which believed, was Jesus. She then began to follow Jesus using her occult beliefs and techniques. But still empty and despondent, she called an Anglican pastor and he told her of a relationship she could have with Jesus. She felt clean and happy. It seems to be the description of a valid conversion experience. However, she relates that almost immediately she took a class on how to hear the voice of God. She told Schultz that God is speaking all the time and we just have to learn how to tune in. Since those early days she has moved into extreme prophecies. She took over a ministry in BC of another lady. A little later King became involved with Toronto and its extreme manifestations. She then brought them back to Kelewna BC and it became known as "Toronto West." She has moved into union with a whole range of extreme prophetic ministries with the likes of Randy Clark and Stacey Campbell of Toronto vintage, Graham Cooke, Bobby Connors Lou Engle, Keith Davis, Bill Johnson and Bob Jones. Jones deserves special mention. He was a prophet with the KC prophets. But he had to be shut down, not because of his absurd prophecies, but because he used prophecy to get women to take off their clothes. He has since been "restored" and now is viewed by King and others as a sort of master prophet in some ways succeeding Paul Cain. Bentley, who says he was converted by reading Hinn's book, "Good Morning Holy Spirit" was picked up by King and was mentored by her. King was a "mother in God" to him and was ordained by King 10 years ago on "mothers day." Her specialty is teaching and arranging trips to the third heaven. I listened to a conversation of Bentley, Jones and King in which they talked of daily trips to the third heaven. Here they learn new revelation. One of her associates, Joshua Mills. just straight out uses the term "astral projection." He defends this New Age term by boldly stating that astral projection was first of all a God thing, which satan later copied. Going to the third heaven means they have to pass through the second heaven, which is declared to be the demonic realm. On the way through they overhear demonic strategies and use this divine spying to assist spiritual warfare on the earth.

To choose a sampling of her visions/prophecies is not easy because there are so many found on the net. One of her visions portrays a common motif of opening portals from and to heaven, sort of like a heavenly "sky light" through which there is traffic to and from heaven. She describes what seemed to her to be golden ladders connecting locations in the earth to the portals to and from heaven. Angels and believers were ascending and descending (were there any traffic jams?) while releasing heavenly glory into the earthly realm. (Patricia King: Portals of Glory).

The Blue Flame

"Recently while teaching at the Glory School in Dudley England. I had a spiritual encounter regarding the Blue Flame of the Lord. In this encounter, I could feel myself soaring like an eagle, looking toward the sun while in flight. Eagles (often biblical symbols of the prophetic in the natural) have an extra membrane over their eyes that other birds do not have this allows them to look directly into the sun without any damage to their vision. As I gazed at the sun, I could feel myself being drawn toward its center and then I saw it - the blue flame. It was so beautiful, I could feel its strength and its passion ... May we gaze mm the fiery love of God. Let us prepare to receive revelation into the deep mysteries of God "(Patricia King). This vision, however, in not original to King, and is replicated exactly in New Age teaching. Listen to an incantation to the ascended master and the “I AM”. "I invoke the blue flame which represents the divine power of my father God."

The usual repertoire of gold dust, and precious stones and oil is normal fare for King and her network. Joshua Mills who ministers with King reports of eating gold leaves from the tree of life served up by angels and having a piano that plays by itself.

"Ekstasis" Worship Dancing and Club Mysterio.

King introduces Caleb Brundidge on her website and the spiritual experience of ecstasy worship dancing. Caleb is a DJ who brings heavy Rock beat music designed for youth groups. He describes this dancing as going beyond the mind to a place of ecstasy with God the dancers are called to give way completely to emotion. This dancing claims to lead to a deeper union with God. Words bypass the mind to the cellular level and become a part of you. You intercede with your dancing etc. etc. It really appears to be total abandonment to bodily movements. It is a spiritual equivalent to "Rave Dancing."

"Listen to how one New Age writer defines and describes Ekstasis dancing. 'The purpose of a trance dance is essentially to bring you to a place in the sacred zone where the spirits can reach you. In trance dance the rhythms and movement combine with the music to create an altered state of consciousness that allows entry into the sacred realm... Allowing the body and parts of the body, to move and to and express rhythms. Engaging in the moment, this meditative state of mind allows entry into deeper mythic reality." (adapted from Circle of Shaman). by ,Karen Berggren 1998, (From

Now listen as Patricia King describes "Ekstasis Dancing" on her website Extreme Prophetic.

"DJ Caleb and his 'Club Mysterio' combine ekstasis worship, beats, electronic expressions, dance prayer and powerful prophetic flow to create a Christian rave experience... This new expression of abandoned worship allows one to press into the presence of God and experience the deep mysteries of intimacy with the Lord, the One who is truly worth raving about." (Patricia King).

"It is a well established fact that many of the eastern and esoteric religions employ the techniques of trance dancing. The hypnotic sounds and movements elevate dancers into ecstatic, altered states of consciousness. It is while they are in these altered states that they are most open to suggestion, mind control, seduction by deceiving spirits, and spontaneous kundalini awakenings." (deceptionbytes.corn).

The conclusion to all of this is simply this. ! Don't' allow your young people to be seduced into this version of rave dancing!

Are Wagner's Apostles About to Defect?

Bentley may indeed prove a stone of stumbling for Wagner's worldwide network (NAR) which he purports to be the setting in place of apostles to rule the global church. For those not aware, Wagner is the presiding apostle of 500 people worldwide assuming the title of an apostle. These apostles include Lee Grady editor of Charisma magazine and also a relatively unknown apostle who was a friend of mine in Australia. But some of these apostles are getting restive and ready to leave the network. Some apostles reject Wagner's endorsement of Todd Bentley. This relates to an apostolic commissioning at Lakeland. With Bill Arnott (Toronto), Bill Johnson (Redding CA), and Che Anh standing behind him, Wagner made this proclamation "I take apostolic authority that God has given me and I decree (papal bull?) to Todd Bentley. Your power will increase, your authority will increase, your favor will increase and your revelation will increase."

But some of Wagner's apostles are apparently embarrassed that none of the heralded resurrections can be verified and even the doctors and EMTs reject the claims. Other apostles are appalled at the focus on angels and trances. Other apostles resent that they will be called on to endorse the likes of John Crowder. And now Bentley has announced that August 23 will be his last day in Lakeland, telling his followers that God has instructed him to move, walk the land, and take the ark of God's glory to the nations. Che Anh has already told the faithful at Lakeland that He, Bill Arnott, Heidi Baker and Bill Johnson in response to a Jones prophecy met in Hawaii in a 5 star hotel provided by Bill Johnson. They called Bob Jones and he prophesied that "this is the 3rd Wave. The first Toronto, the second Pensacola, and Lakeland the third. This wave will cover the whole earth. Then Anh told the crowd that at that very instant a huge wave came out of nowhere and engulfed them at the beach cabana on the green 50 yards from the beach. This is suggested to be a physical prophetic endorsement of Lakeland.. Che Anh then states that this outpouring will go all the way to California. and then international. But a recent Bentley foray to L.A. was a dud by anyone's expectation and the words of Wagner are already beginning to ring hollow. Now there are whisperings that Lakeland is over. Increasingly, people who endorsed Bentley are already looking for the ne.ct Latter Rain outpouring to fulfill the prophecies of their own false prophets. (Jackie Alnor). The first two waves were prophesied to spread to all the earth. Will the designated third wave succeed where the first two failed?

See also:

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Extreme Prophetic and Patricia King exposed!

“Patricia King’s Hermetics Examined
There are many strange manifestations happening more than ever. What is happening in the churches today and how can this be explained? This page is to shed light on the subject. There is more to this woman then meets the eye, here are some things to consider in this description of what Patricia King is promoting.

Hermetics Teaches:

Considers humanity to be on a spiritual journey to return to a state of unity with the Divine; this is the Great Work of humankind.

Holds that if we would attain to the Divine, we must aspire to the Divine; spiritual growth cannot be achieved without human effort

Is polytheistic, yet ultimately monotheisitic (i.e., posits a multiplicity of Manifestations of the Divine Which emanate from an ultimate Divine Unity)

Holds that the Divine is both immanent and transcendent

Holds that the Universe is Divine and basically good

Teaches that when we seek the Divine, we may best begin with the Mysteries of Nature

Encourages spiritual curiosity

Understands that human beings can access the Subtle Realms through technique and aspiration; to this end, it embraces theurgy, meditation, ritual, and other spiritual and magical practices

Urges those who seek the Divine to also seek balance in embracing all things.

Angel Orbs, (click here to see a picture from Patricia King's website)

Patricia King talks alot about Angel Orbs, let’s examine this teaching, acording to the Book on Hermetics, [1] “The third and last Book of Magick, or Occult Philosophy; written by Henry Cornelius Agrippa.”

therefore they invented so many Intelligences or Angels; they placed also in the Starry heaven, Angels, who might rule the signs, triplicities, decans, quinaries, degrees and Stars; for although the school of the Peripateticks assigne one onely intelligence to each of the Orbs of the Stars: yet seeing every Star and small part of the heaven hath its proper and different power and influence, it is necessary that it also have his ruling intelligence

Patricia King: makes the same claim.

Stated, [2] “Two members of our team and I had just finished a prayer session to prepare for our evening meeting at Tim and Cindy McGill’s Four Square Church. As we were praising the Father for the downloads we had received, we heard that there was still more for us. That’s when we noticed the presence of angelic orbs over our heads. How glorious! God is so good!”

We began to praise and worship Him for this Heavenly Presence. All of a sudden, one of our team (Shirley Ross), heard from the Lord that we were to clap our hands together over our heads where the orbs were. When we did, it was as if the orbs burst open and showered us in Heavenly Glory! Different colored orbs appeared and filled the room over our heads. We clapped and clapped and clapped. Some of the orbs rained down a thick, sweet oil. Others left us feeling tingly and effervescent. The Joy of the Lord was everywhere as we were refreshed, renewed and empowered. These “exploding” orbs covered us in an anointing of His Presence and also helped to deeply seat the inspiration and revelation we had received from Him throughout that day. Thank you Father!

Nowhere do you find this in the Bible, however you do find this stuff in occult books such as Hermetical writings by various authors. There is a demonic power behind these manifestations and there is a danger in this. Other hermetical writers give their descriptions.

Hermetical writings on Angel Orbs, Cosmic Orbs and Heavenly Orbs.

Lord Edward Bulwer-Lytton wrote about his experiences of these Orbs in his book “The Coming Race,” (a novel that some theosophists accepted as truth) [3]

He states “I Admired the ingenuity and disregard of expense with which my host and his fellow-citixens had contrived to illumine the regions unpenetrated by the rays of the sin, yet I could not conceibe how any who had once beheld the orbs of heaven could compare to their lustre the artificial lights invented by the necessities of man.”

La Clef des Grands Mystères” (The Key to the Great Mysteries) written by Eliphas Levi, interesting that Aleister Crowley took a intrest in Eliphas Levi claiming to be the reincarnation of Eliphas Lévi and offered as evidence the statement that Crowley was born shortly after Lévi died. Lévi states [La Clef des Grands Mystères (The Key to the Great Mysteries), P98],

And while all this tumult was going on at the bottom of the church, the singing of the litanies continued in the choir, {170} as the harmony of the orbs of heaven goes on for ever, careless in our revolations and of our anguish.

Helena Blavatsky, co-founder of the Theosophical Society. in September 1875, Madame Blavatsky wrote that all religions were both true in their inner teachings and problematic or imperfect in their external conventional manifestations. Her writings connecting esoteric spiritual knowledge with new science may be considered to be the first instance of what is now called New Age thinking. In fact, many researchers feel that much of New Age thought started with Blavatsky.


Author of “ISIS UNVEILED.”

[[Vol. 1, Page 114]] THE SECRET DOCTRINE. For the
circle is Sar, and Saros, or cycle, and was the Babylonian god whose circular horizon was the visible symbol of the invisible, while the sun was the ONE Circle from which proceeded the Cosmic orbs, and of which he was considered the leader.

[[Page 673]] In the primitive philosophy of the Hierophants these invisible circles were the prototypic causes and builders of all the heavenly orbs, which were their visible bodies or coverings, and of which they were the souls. It was certainly a universal teaching in antiquity.

[[Page 696]] In order to avoid creating new misconceptions, let it be stated that among the three secret orbs (or star-angels) neither Uranus nor Neptune entered; not only because they were unknown under these names to the ancient Sages, but because they, as all other planets, however many there may be, are the gods and guardians of other septenary chains of globes within our systems.

Patricia King and Alchemy: Gold Dust (click here to see picture of gold from Patricia Kings website)

What is Alchemy ??

[4] Alchemy, a part of the Occult Tradition, is both a philosophy and a practice with an ultimately unknown aim, involving the improvement of the alchemist as well as the making of several substances described as possessing unusual properties. The practical aspect of alchemy generated the basics of inorganic chemistry, namely concerning procedures, equipment and the identification and use of many current substances.

Alchemy has been practiced in Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Persia, India, Japan, Korea and China, in Classical Greece and Rome, in the Muslim civilizations, and then in Europe up to the 20th century—in a complex network of schools and philosophical systems spanning at least 2500 years.

[5]� Acording to Patricia King “Many times in meetings or in devotional times, signs and wonders will manifest such as gold dust, gemstones, diamond glitter, oil, feathers, manna and many other things. In the Bibles these would be referred to as signs and wonders” (see Acts 2:17-19).

Acts 2:17-19 KJV says: “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy: And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke:”

Acts 2:17-19 is not what Patricia Kings describes, what are these signs and wonders that God is talking about in the text it says:

verse 19 (KJV)”And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke:”

these are the signs and wonders that God speaks of verse 20 (KJV) explains how God will do that: The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come:

But if Gold Dust Manifestations are not found anywhere in the Bible where do we find this? Let’s go deeper.
Alchemist Johannes Helmond explains the process of gold dust before it apears (Book Title: Alchemy Unveiled

Paracelsu Calls the Raven of the Alchemists, A Bird, which flies at night without wings! This is the up-to-now unaware, dream-like Depths-soul, the transcendental Subject of a Human Being, which now no longer is separated, but instead, it is being exalted to the consciousness of the Spirit and entered into a gentle communication (coagulation) with the Spirit.

This unification with the Divine Spirit is, however, animalistic Principle, that is for the lower Astral Soul, the old Adam within us, to a certian degree deadly, he is suffering through a condition of death, where he looses his up-to-now demonic Astral-form and enters again into the antenatal Limbus, that is, into his first creative indifference, into his materia prima! Now he became Earth again, from which he was taken, that is, APHAR min ha-ADAMAH, a red tinctorial Gold-dust, united with the dew of Heaven.”

Acording to the Alchemy Academy archive, from a complicated discussion on the origin of gold, and the ‘mineral power’ in human hair…

“… in my own time a human skull was found and seen to have
many bits of gold dust embedded between the teeth of the
suture in the tops of the cranium.”

Book of Minerals p.232:

The translator suggests that Albertus “believing that all gold grows in situ, seems to suppose that the material in the sutures, which in life would have grown into hair, was here converted into gold.”

From the bibliography:

Morienus: Liber de compositione achemiae quam edidit Morienus
Romanus Calid regi Aegyptiorum …, see Magnet, Vol 1, pp. 509-19
Magnet, J.J., Bibliotheca Chemica Curiosa, Geneva 1702, 2 vols

Patricia King and Jason Westerfield on Astral Projections

What are Astral Projections ??

[6]� Astral projection (or astral travel) is an esoteric interpretation of a type of out-of-body experience that assumes the existence of an “astral body” separate from the physical body and capable of traveling outside it. Astral projection is experienced as being “out of the body”. Unlike dreaming or near death experiences, astral projection is practiced deliberately.

The idea of astral travel is rooted in common worldwide religious accounts of the afterlife in which the soul’s journey or “ascent” is described in such terms as “an…out-of-body experience, wherein the spiritual traveller leaves the physical body and travels in his/her subtle body (or dreambody or astral body) into ‘other’ realms.”

[7]� Watch Patricia King promote Jason Westerfield and teaching Transport Translation in the Spirit

God is moving in the earth today … literally! He is
moving believers all over the place by transporting and translating them in the Spirit! More and more people seem to be having experiences where God supernaturally takes them places. ”

In this video, Patricia and Jason share from the Bible and from personal experiences about translation and transportation in the Spirit. As they share, you will not only learn about God’s ability to supernaturally move you from place to place, but we believe you will receive an impartation for transportation and translation in the Spirit. After all, the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. So get ready!”

[8]� Acording to the Psychic’s and Medium’s Network “Astral projection is a form of out of body experience that sometimes occurs during lucid dreaming during deep meditation or at times of crisis. The soul moves into an astral body (or “etheric double”), which moves free of the physical body in a parallel world known as the astral plane. Astral Travel is spoken about in may mystical texts and has more recently been studied by scientists investigating reports of people who have has a near death experience.”

[9]� An Astral Realms site states “The nature of the soul seems to be much more complex and multi-dimensional that originally thought. With the progress of modern physics and parapsychology it seems that the nature of our consciousness may be the creative driving force behind the forms and shapes of the physical world. Our physical reality is just an extension of a larger tapestry of the spiritual world.

I awaken to the sensation of intense vibrations and buzzing throughout my body. I recognize that I’m ready to separate and immediately think about floating. The vibrations and sounds rapidly diminish as I separate and float up to the ceiling. Out of instinct I reach out my arms to touch the ceiling, but instead of touching, my hands slowly enter the tingling vibrational substance of the ceiling. I can feel a slight resistance as my hands and arms move through the ceiling. Moving slowly upward, my body enters and passes through the insulation, rafters, and attic.” - William Buhlman

Adventures Beyond the Body.

The soul survives death time after time; and can, with the proper training, travel outside your body. This is called Astral Projection.

Patricia King and “The Third Heaven”- yet more hermetics

According to Particia King [10] “This, of course, is a huge teaching that we go through very carefully in our Glory School , building it line upon line. The bottom line, however, is this: as born-again Christians we have already been given everything that pertains to life and godliness… we have already been blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ… we are already seated in the heavenly places with Him … and we are to access all the covenant promises by faith. The righteous lives by his faith.”

While Patricia King quotes scripture and speaks on the subject we find that a hermetisist would also use the Bible in order to describe the same issues.

The third and last Book of Magick, or Occult Philosophy; written by Henry Cornelius Agrippa.

[p56] “if at any time it shall obtain its proper nature, and being no way oppressed by the allurements of the senses, shall persevere both uncorrupted and like it self; but now for example, that the souls abound with so plentifull Light of the Celestiall Stars, and hence, a very great abundance of light redoundeth into their bodies; so Moses face did shine, that the children of Israel could not behold him by reason of the brightness of his countenance; thus Socrates was transfigured, as we read, that in light he overcame the luciferous wheels of the Sun; So Zoroastes [Zoroaster] being transfigured, his body was taken up. So Eliah and Enoch ascended to heaven in a certain fiery chariot, so Paul was rapt up into the third heaven: So our bodies after the judgement of the world, shall be called Glorified, and in like manner be rapt up, and we may say by this means, shall shine as the Sun and Moon; which thing that it is possible, and hath formerly been done, Avicebron the Moore, and Avicen the Arabian and Hippocrates of Cous, and all the school of the Chaldeans [Chaldaeans] do acknowledge and confirm:”

[p94] “But our intellect being included in the corruptible flesh, unless it shall exceed the way of the flesh, and obtain a proper nature, cannot be united to these vertues (for like to like) and is in searching into these occult secrets of God, and nature, altogether efficacious; for it is no easy thing for us to ascend to the heavens. For how shall he that hath lost himself in mortal dust, and ashes, find God? How shall he apprehend spiritual things that is swallowed up in flesh and blood? Can man see God, and live? What fruit shall a grain of corn bear if it be not first dead? For we must dye [die], I say dye to the world, and to the flesh, and all senses, and to the whole man animal, who would enter into these closets of secrets, not because the body is separated from the soul, but because the soul leaves the body: of which death Paul wrote to the Collossians [Colossians]: Ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ: And elsswhere he speaks more clearly of himself. I know a man, whether in the body, or out of the body I cannot tell, God knows, caught up unto the third heaven, &c. I say by this death, pretious [precious] in the sight of God, we must dye [die], which happens to few, and perhaps not alwaies. For very few whom God loves, and are vertuous [virtuous], are made so happy. And first those that are born, not of flesh and blood, but of God. Secondly those that are dignified to it by the blessing of nature, and the heavens at their birth.”

[11] The CANADIAN THEOSOPHICAL ASSOCIATION explains the Third Heaven:

Being in the trance condition, or in Christ, as he calls it, he was caught up to the third heaven, and could not determine whether he was in the body or out of the body. Here he identifies his Christ with a condition of being, and that condition with the abnormal phenomena known to some of us who have studied Modern Spiritualism. This is the Gnostic Christ, not the Christ of any special historic personality, who is supposed to have manifested only once upon a time, and once for all. The Christ of the Gnosis, of Philo and of Paul preceded Christianity, and is sure to supersede it, because it is based upon facts known in nature and verifiable to-day. It was those who were entirely ignorant of those subtle and obscure facts, unfolded in the Mysteries, who became Christians in the modern sense, and believed, because they were blind. Paul was both a Seer and a Knower. He became one of the public demonstrators of the facts, just like any itinerant medium of our time.”

This is no different from what Patricia King is promoting, acording to a woman nicknamed Rahab, one of Patricia King’s disciples, she would have no problems with Gnostic/theosophical teachings, [12]

I have walked for most of my Christian life without “seeing” and being surrounded by people who do. My daughter is a seer. That is really hard to deal with as a parent, having a child that walks in a spiritual reality that you do not. I have learned more about the ways of God from my child when she was 5 than I ever thought possible.”

What About Todd Bentley?

Even Patricia King would have no problems with the Gnostic/theosophical teachings on the Third Heaven.

[13]� Pastor Bill Randles states “Patricia King the host spoke for many when she proclaimed Todd as an “awesome man of power who is a Seer’. She also announced that Todd has brought “a million people into the Kingdom of God in the last eight years”. Todd was guest on the show with his mentor, another great prophet - Bob Jones. His resume was equally impressive- King described Him as “a champion of the Seer realm”, and “one of the most accurate of prophets of our generation”, and she thanked him for being a “father of the faith”, as well as a seer-prophet.”

Back to the Third Heaven.

[14]� Acording to Gnostic Notes Blog, New Age Gnostic Leland R. Kaiser, Ph.D states.

Gnosticism is based on a very simple premise – all things issue from the same Source and are therefore are interconnected from their point of origin. Therefore, you can start with anything and trace it back to everything. This means everything exists at both a surface level and at a depth level. So you can understand anything at various levels of penetration. If you are happy at the surface level, that is where you should stay. If you want to dive into levels of greater depth, you will be involved in the pursuit of Gnosis. If you continue in this endeavor - you will eventually become a Gnostic.

At the surface level you can simply accept that Jesus was aware of things going on in distant places. At a depth level, you can learn the art and science of remote viewing. At a surface level, you read about John being caught up in the third heaven. At a depth level you can learn to become conscious in the fourth dimension.

So, Gnosis is not essential for your salvation. It is for your edification. You can read in the Bible about the apostles going about healing and teaching or you gain the Gnostic insights that enable you to become a spiritual healer and teacher.”

Patricia King on “Impressions in the Imagination”

[15]� “We, at Extreme Prophetic, teach that the most common ways for believers and prophets to hear from God is through “God thoughts” (in the mind) or through “God pictures” (impressions in the imagination).”

Our instruction involves making people alert to how the Lord is speaking to them and how He can communicate revelation to them. Our instruction involves the cleansing and sanctification of the mind and imagination so it is set apart for God to use. We teach students how to grow in their ability to hear from the Holy Spirit in these ways by submitting their minds to the reading of the scriptures and to strengthen the sanctification process of the imagination by submitting it to the visions in the scriptures.”

This is what is known as “Sanctified Imagination” or “The technique of visualisation.” This is dangerous, it is one way that the occult has come into the churches. Patricia King and her team advise people to ‘picture the scene’ as if you were present and could actually see it.

Pat Franklin writes, [16]� “Another terrible error in the Anglican prayer book was in a section on ‘Bible Reading’. Even here, urging people to read the Bible, they managed to get it dangerously wrong. The book advises people to ‘picture the scene’ as if you were present and could actually see it. This is the technique of visualisation. It is an occult technique, and it is spiritually dangerous. It is one way the occult has come into the church, by people ‘visualising’. Nowhere in the Bible does it tell us to visualise anything. Faith comes by hearing, not by visualising. Witch doctors visualise when they cast their occult spells. It is an open door to demonic activity. Some today call it using your ’sanctified imagination’, but they are wrong. They are playing with fire and they will probably get burnt.”

[17]� Alison Lentini who was involved in Wicca and neo-paganism, before coming to know Christ, explains:

“Perhaps the definitive example of Lewis’s ability to submit his lively enthusiasm for the mythology of classical humanism to his orthodox Christian faith is found in the luminous account of the creation of Narnia, when the wild, deep voice of the Lion summons into being all manner of mythical creature–”Fauns and Satyrs and Dwarfs. the river god with his Naiad daughters”–and all reply: “Hail, Aslan. We hear and obey.”34

The freedom with which Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, George MacDonald, and G. K. Chesterton baptized myth and magic in works of Christ-centered, “sanctified imagination” may appear unwise and even shocking to Christian readers in today’s syncretistic climate. Nonetheless, that freedom was directly proportional to the strength of their commitment to an orthodox Christian worldview and their passion for the preeminence of Christ, the Everlasting Man who was God’s answer to both demons and philosophers.35 Without such a severely limiting framework, “the old religion” of natural magic follows a predictable expansion and devolution into darker and more unnatural forms……..”

‘Sanctified Imagination’ and the New Age.

[18]� In an article entitled Education in the New Age, published in the February, 1978, issue of the New Age journal, Jack Canfield states, “If you’re teaching in public school, don’t call it meditation, call it ‘centering.’ ”

This is no different from what Patricia King is promoting.

“Are we to gather that parents just wouldn’t understand were these techniques called by their real names? Are these people afraid that parents wouldn’t approve were they to know the truth?

Parents need to understand that guided imagery and guided fantasy use techniques that place children in altered states of consciousness and amount to psychotherapy and psycho hypnosis in the classroom, by teachers neither trained nor licensed to use these powerful psychological tools, begging the question of medical malpractice. Recently, an Eastern Washington elementary teacher took his class through a guided fantasy outlined in a teacher’s guide while his students were lying on the floor in a darkened classroom. He became concerned when he had difficulty bringing one of his students back to full consciousness. Other children have had involuntary flashbacks while in a conscious state. The result of improper use of these techniques can be very detrimental to children. Psychotherapists are medically trained and licensed to use these procedures, teachers are not. Parents also need to know that children in altered states of consciousness are very open to suggestion.

Other terms used relative to these techniques that parents should be aware of are alpha state, altered state of consciousness, dream wanderings, intuitive thinking, imagery, meditation, right brain tapping, sanctified imagination, creative imagery, concentrating our energies, relaxation exercises, contacting one’s higher self, self-esteem, psycho physiological exercise, and guardian spirits.

By whatever name they are called, these techniques are part of a theology (religion) known as New Age. The underlying premise of New Age theology has been recognized by the courts as a religion, making any use of the techniques and theology relevant thereto illegal in the classroom in accordance with Article IX, Section 4, of the Washington State Constitution.”

To Summarise Patricia King’s teachings and practices are no different to the teachings and practices of occultism. Patricia King justifies this by hiding these practices behind christology, this is what we call syncrotism, Patricia King is trying to Christianize Occultic, Alchemic and New Age practices. What do the scriptures teach us about this,

There shall not be found among you any one … that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord…” (Deuteronomy 18:10-12)

Patricia King and her teachings are to be kept well away from.
Article by Miguel Hayworth


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